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[Closed] Tricky problem, saving data in poly and mesh objects

Hiya Riven. Yea, that works great for one edge and is a good start. Pff, but it’s trickier when it comes to the general case. So we have many many vertices that need to be correctly converted to edges or worse faces.

Hmm, I wonder if I should do like you and check for “collisions” for all the edges after all conversions and then make this the selections. This collision detection may take alot of time though for semi big selections.

Hmm, will do some more testing with this… Don’t hesitate to yell with more ideas.

Try $.convertSelection #Vertex #Edge requireAll:true. The requireAll parameter tells it to only select edges that share the verts in the original selection.


Very cool, I had missed that setting. Works like a charm

The question contiunes…
Do you guys know of a simple way to get to know what exist around a face. Say what faces are around the one selected. One way is possible is to convert to edges then to faces, and then you see what new faces you have got. But it seems very inefficient.


Oh nooo. I found a serious problem with saving the selections in the vertex channels. What I do now is I convert face/edges into vertex selections then i saved it into vertex colors. When I need the selection back I load the vertex colors and get the vertex selection and I convert to face/edge.

Problem is the verte->face/edge convertion. The vertices can’t have enough information to actually describe the faces/edges that are selected.

the ‘X’ are selected faces

if i convert these face selection to vertex and back to face i will get


so there is one face too much Same problem exist for edges.

Does anyone have a clue on how to avoid this problem?

One way that would be possible but not so much fun is this:
it should be possible to save different colors into the vertex, depending on what the selections look like. i could convert every individual face into vertex, and then overlapp the colors. so the vertex that have 4 faces selected around it would have color=4, if it has 3 faces it has color=3. this does not sound pleasant to do though.


I think i have found the solutions.

for two days I was a restless soul, walking on strange path in the forest muttering about vertices, always carrying a scetch pad with unrecognoisable drawings. Sometimes cursing out loud making nearby people look at this strange person.

But then I think I figured out how to solve it.

Will try it out now.


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