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[Closed] Transforming a vertex selection?
Aug 05, 2005 5:53 am
How would you go about appling a transformation (via formla) to each vertex of a selected poly object?
I have gotten it to work on a selection of objects but not at the sub object level.
Thanks in advance.
4 Replies
Aug 05, 2005 5:53 am
vs = getVertSelection $
x = – do some calculation
y = – do some calculation
z = – do some calculation
for i in 1 to (vs.count) do
setVertSelection $ #{i}
move $.selectedVerts[x,y,z]
Aug 05, 2005 5:53 am
Oh! It works with polys as well. cool.
That is usual way for me. Loop all vertices and make move and calculations. Problem is than when you have lot of vertices there may come some memory issues. You can fix that by using gc() to free memory inside a loop what slowing down your script but wont crash it.