[Closed] Trajectory commands w/ Maxscript?
Is it possible to access the trajectory operations (in the motion panel) through maxscript? Those commands aren’t echoed in the listener and I’ve searched the Maxscript help to no avail. I’m afraid the answer is might be no, but I’m hoping that I’ve overlooked something. Thanks in advance.
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Can we PLEASE have full questions with step by step explanations WHAT exactly is requested? The Trajectory tab has several controls that will be exposed in Max 2008 and some that can be implemented by MAXScript without direct support, for example the creation of splines from trajectories and trajectories from splines (in fact, this was part of this year’s Siggraph MAXScript Master Class).
You’re absolutely right Bobo, I apologise about the clarification. I’m usually on the button with those, but I think my brain has been on autopilot this week.
I was specifically referring as to whether there was:
[li]Control over how much of the trajectory is shown the viewport (in terms of keyframe ranges: right now the trajectory shows the entire range of motion rather than the current timeline)[/li][li]If spline/trajectory conversion can be automated (which you have answered).[/li][/ol]Ideally what I would like to achieve is a trajectory system that only shows the current range of motion, which is possible through scripting now (by making your own spline based on .pos keys), but also be able to tweak said spline on the fly to adjust the animation without manually converting to and from spline and trajectory.
Does that make sense?
As I said above, this is probably all possible with normal scripting methods and some callbacks, but if direct access to the trajectory system is possible it may make it faster/easier.
santaTrajectoryLimiter.ms http://forums.cgsociety.org/susanta3d@gmail.co m” data-bbcode=”true”>susanta3d@gmail.com
download it from scriptspot.com
this script implement what you are looking for in a very simple way.