[Closed] Trajectory Toggle
since max 2009 the Trajectory Toggle is not longer connected to the Object properties.
I usually use shift+T to turn trajectories off and on. If I customize Trajectory Toggle to those keys in max2010 and hit it, max opens the motion tab in the command panel and turns on that Trajectories button. Of course it gives me visible trajectories this way, but it’s not what I want. I want to turn on/off the object property “trajectory” via hotkey.
I’m not a scripter, but this must be easy to fix in an own script, no?
Another thing that bugs me is the zoom selected feature, that always takes the trajectoriesinto account. If I have a tiny butterfly flying through the whole scene, I can hardly zoom it.
I’m not a scripter, but this must be easy to fix in an own script, no?
any help appreciated
for obj in (selection as array) do obj.showtrajectory = not obj.showtrajectory
selected nodes “Show trajectory” property Toggle
for obj in (selection as array) do obj.ignoreextents = not obj.ignoreextents
selected nodes “Ignore Extents” property Toggle
if “ignoreextents” is on the extents of the node is ignored when performing a zoom extents.
Many thanks Denis! you made my day just with the first codeline
the second thing is actually “zoom extents all selected” so I want to zoom into the selected object that has its trajectory on, but i want the zoom to ignore the trajectory. And only zoom the object! You script excludes the selected object from the zoom, which is not what I want
with undo off
nodes = for obj in (selection as array) where obj.showtrajectory collect (obj.showtrajectory = off; obj)
max zoomext sel /* or max zoomext sel all */
for obj in nodes do obj.showtrajectory = on
is it what you want for ZOOM with trajectories?