[Closed] Toolbar
Hey Guys…I created a script which would help me create a few buttons which I use as shortcuts to make my life a little life easier since I access them a lot…
Now what I want to do is when I right click above the window of the viewport I can access the reactor,the main toolbar and all…so I was wondering how could I make my script turned into a toolbar with a GUI for every button like the reactor or any other toolbar…
I have attached my current GUI but I want to incorporate it into MAX itself so that it becomes a part of it…
Thanks guys,
Lookup : cui.RegisterDialogBar and cui.UnRegisterDialogBar in mxs help file, this allows to register a dialog as dockable.
Cool…Thanks mate…
But I’ll post my script here…Could you modify it to show me an example…
Cause I just need to see one example…Then I can understand clearly…
Thanks a lot…
rollout makepreview “Make The Preview”
button mpreview “Make Preview”
on mpreview pressed do
actionMan.executeAction 0 “40033” – Render: Make Preview
button pview “Particle View”
on pview pressed do
actionMan.executeAction 135018554 “32771” – Particle Flow: Particle View Toggle
button rmat “Reset Material Editor”
on rmat pressed do
macros.run “Medit Tools” “clear_medit_slots”
button show “Show Command Panel”
on show pressed do
max hide command panel toggle
button sfx “Create FFX Simple Source”
on sfx pressed do
Simple_Src size1:6 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on Size2:6 Size3:6
button ofx “Create FFX Object Source”
on ofx pressed do
Object_Src iconSize:6 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
createdialog makepreview
I took the liberty to clean it up a bit.
rollout makepreview "Make The Preview"
local btn_width = 145
button btn_mpreview "Make Preview" width:btn_width
button btn_pview "Particle View" width:btn_width
button btn_rmat "Reset Material Editor" width:btn_width
button btn_show "Show Command Panel" width:btn_width
button btn_sfx "Create FFX Simple Source" width:btn_width
button btn_ofx "Create FFX Object Source" width:btn_width
on btn_mpreview pressed do actionMan.executeAction 0 "40033" -- Render: Make Preview
on btn_pview pressed do actionMan.executeAction 135018554 "32771" -- Particle Flow: Particle View Toggle
on btn_rmat pressed do macros.run "Medit Tools" "clear_medit_slots"
on btn_show pressed do max hide command panel toggle
on btn_sfx pressed do Simple_Src size1:6 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on Size2:6 Size3:6
on btn_ofx pressed do Object_Src iconSize:6 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
createdialog makepreview width:155
cui.RegisterDialogBar makePreview style:#(#cui_dock_vert, #cui_handles,#cui_floatable )
Oh yeah…its much cleaner now…actually I am just getting into Maxscripting and so as you know…heh…I understand the script now and will try to create more scripts like this…Thanks a lot dude…
Could you tell me as how to understand Maxscripting in much more detail…like so far all I have done is create shortcuts and all…But what I would really like to do is try to create tools…How should I approach this?
Thanks Dude…
The best way to start is with the manual that’s shipping with max, and taking apart other’s scripts. If you checkout scriptspot.com you’ll find hundreds of scripts ready to study. Best thing is to think of something you’ll want to do and just do it… learn how to use and navigate the manual, it’s gonna be the completest thing you’ll have to reference maxscript… There’s some books written, but I don’t know how good they are. On http://www.cg-academy.net/ there are DVD’s you can get that should get you started.
More I cannot say really, just jump in and enjoy the ride.
Thanks Johan,
appreciate it......will definitely look into it....