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[Closed] ToolStripMenuItem.BackColor not working?
Jul 03, 2012 5:43 pm
Hi guys,
Has anyone else come across this possible bug with dotNet and ToolStripMenuItem.BackColor not working.
See below for the function that I am using to create the contextMenu and how I am applying the backColor to the MenuItem.
If I try to change any of the other methods it works but this doesn’t
fn uI_ContextMenu cmItmArray:Undefined cmAccessArray:Undefined cmImgArray:Undefined cmImgSize:10 cmBgClr:Undefined=(
if cmItmArray!=Undefined then
for a=1 to cmItmArray.Count do
if classOf cmItmArray[a]== Array Then
append temp_Item_Array temp_Obj
for b=1 to cmItmArray[a][2].Count do
temp_Sub_Obj=(dNet_ContextMenu.Items.Get_Item (a-1)).DropDownItems.Add cmItmArray[a][2][b]
append temp_Sub_Item temp_Sub_Obj
if cmBgClr!=Undefined do
-- temp_Sub_Obj.Checked=True
temp_Sub_Obj.BackColor=(dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB cmBgClr.r cmBgClr.g cmBgClr.b
append temp_Item_Array temp_Sub_Item
append cmAccessArray temp_Item_Array
if cmImgArray!=Undefined do
for b=1 to cmImgArray[a][2].Count do
append cmAccessArray temp_Obj
if cmImgArray!=Undefined do(cmItmArray[a].Image=cmImgArray[a])
if cmBgClr!=Undefined do
dNet_ContextMenu.BackColor=(dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Gray
dNet_ContextMenu.ImageScalingSize=dotNetObject"System.Drawing.Size"cmImgSize cmImgSize
return dNet_ContextMenu
)else(Print "No objects have been passed to the context Menu")
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
2 Replies
Jul 03, 2012 5:43 pm
you can use ToolStripMenuItem Backcolor only in custom drawing mode. In normal paint mode the item’s backcolor retrieved from the parent control (menu).
Jul 03, 2012 5:43 pm
here is a sample how to use Paint event to draw an Item:
try(form.Close()) catch()
global form = dotnetobject "Form"
form.Text = "RC for Context Menu"
menu = dotnetobject "ContextMenuStrip"
i = menu.items.add "File"
i.BackColor = i.BackColor.Orange
i.ForeColor = i.ForeColor.Brown
fn onPaint s e =
if not s.Selected then
bb = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" s.Backcolor
fb = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" s.Forecolor
bb = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" s.Backcolor.Green
fb = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" s.Forecolor.Yellow
r = e.ClipRectangle
e.Graphics.FillRectangle bb r
sf = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.StringFormat"
sf.LineAlignment = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.StringAlignment").Center
rect = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.RectangleF" (r.x+34) r.y (r.width-34) r.height
e.Graphics.DrawString s.Text s.Font fb rect sf
dotnet.addEventHandler i "Paint" onPaint
menu.items.add "Edit"
menu.items.add "Exit"
form.ContextMenuStrip = menu
MaxHandleWrapper = dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Win32HandleWrapper" (dotnetobject "System.IntPtr" (windows.getmaxhwnd()))
form.Show MaxHandleWrapper