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[Closed] Timeslider controlled with the Mouse wheel

Hi, few weeks ago I noticed one interesting behaviour of maxs spinners. You can change theirs value scrolling middle mouse button but only once, after first roll spinner lose focus. Then I found this thread and decided to use this behaviour for changing timeslider position. Few hours and here what I have got for now.

How to use:
Save this script in scripts\startup folder.
Go to Customize User Inteface and drag MiddleMode from Mir category to Your toolbar.
Activate MiddleMode.
After that whenever you will hold Control button You will go in MiddleMode and scrolling mouse middle button will move timeslider.

macroScript MiddleMode
	global MidMouse, fnMidActiv, fnMidMode, fnGrRange
	CtrlState = false
	fn fnMidMode Text = (
		gw.wText [20,40,10] Text color:green
		gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
	fn fnGrRange = (
		case slidertime of (
(animationRange.start) : animationRange = interval (animationRange.start -= 1) animationRange.end
(animationRange.end)   : animationRange = interval animationRange.start (animationRange.end += 1)
	fn fnMidActiv = (
		fnMidMode "Middle Mode: ON"
		setFocus MidMouse.frame_spn 

	rollout MidMouse "Mir"
	spinner frame_spn "" range:[-999999, 9999999, slidertime] width:90 type:#integer
	timer tim interval:10 active:true

		on frame_spn changed val do (
			fnGrRange ()	
			slidertime = MidMouse.frame_spn.value
			MidMouse.frame_spn.value = slidertime )
		on tim tick do (
			if keyboard.controlPressed == true  and CtrlState == false then (
				MidMouse.frame_spn.value = slidertime
				registerRedrawViewsCallback fnMidActiv
				fnMidActiv () 
				CtrlState = true )
			if keyboard.controlPressed == false and CtrlState == true then (
				gw.clearScreen (box2 5 20 100 20)
				gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
				unregisterRedrawViewsCallback fnMidActiv
				try ( toolmode.commandmode = toolmode.commandmode) catch ()
				CtrlState =false )

	on isChecked do 
	on execute do (
		destroydialog MidMouse
		createdialog MidMouse 200 100 5000 5000 
		try ( toolmode.commandmode = toolmode.commandmode) catch ()
	on closeDialogs do (
		destroydialog MidMouse = false 
		try ( toolmode.commandmode = toolmode.commandmode) catch ()

Awesome, I’ll take it for a spin (pun intended) in a minute. Will it work in Max9 or is it 2008-exclusive?


It supports max 8, max 9, max 2008 and maybe max 7 and max 6. Didnt test it in them.

Pretty impressive! I REALLY like the function you made to allow the timeslider to expand beyond it’s set range, that’ll sure come in handy!

Do you think it would be possible to implement a function similar to Ofer’s where holding a different modifier button would allow you to scroll in 10f increments?



macroScript MiddleMode
	global MidMouse, fnMidActiv, fnMidMode, fnGrRange
	CtrlState = false
	fn fnMidMode Text = (
		gw.wText [20,40,10] Text color:green
		gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
	fn fnGrRange = (
		case slidertime of (
			(animationRange.start) : animationRange = interval (animationRange.start -= 1) animationRange.end
			(animationRange.end)	: animationRange = interval animationRange.start (animationRange.end += 1)
	fn fnMidActiv = (
		fnMidMode "Middle Mode: ON"
		setFocus MidMouse.frame_spn 

	rollout MidMouse "Mir"
		spinner frame_spn "" range:[-999999, 9999999, slidertime] width:90 type:#integer
		timer tim interval:10 active:true

		on frame_spn changed val do (
			temp = slidertime
			fnGrRange ()	
			slidertime = MidMouse.frame_spn.value
			MidMouse.frame_spn.value = slidertime 
			if keyboard.shiftPressed == true do (
				if slidertime > temp do slidertime = MidMouse.frame_spn.value + 9
				if slidertime < temp do slidertime = MidMouse.frame_spn.value - 9
				MidMouse.frame_spn.value = slidertime 
		on tim tick do (
			if keyboard.controlPressed == true  and CtrlState == false then (
				MidMouse.frame_spn.value = slidertime
				registerRedrawViewsCallback fnMidActiv
				fnMidActiv () 
				CtrlState = true )
			if keyboard.controlPressed == false and CtrlState == true then (
				gw.clearScreen (box2 5 20 100 20)
				gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
				unregisterRedrawViewsCallback fnMidActiv
				try ( toolmode.commandmode = toolmode.commandmode) catch ()
				CtrlState =false )

	on isChecked do 
	on execute do (
		destroydialog MidMouse
		createdialog MidMouse 200 100 5000 5000 
		try ( toolmode.commandmode = toolmode.commandmode) catch ()
	on closeDialogs do (
		destroydialog MidMouse = false 
		try ( toolmode.commandmode = toolmode.commandmode) catch ()

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