[Closed] This loop never ends!!
Bixel, I thought we already went over this.
I found the thread: http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=98&t=544704&highlight=animationrange
Bobo explained exactly the problem Pixel Monkey did.
focomoso: Thanks, you know looking at the older code made me understand more of what i did. I have a habit of deleting code and replacing with new code rather than just commenting it out, so I end up forgetting the old code. Thanks for pointing me back to the older thread.
PiXeL_MoNKeY: Part of the problem is that I get confused, when I am working in C++ for example and I make a function – if it has a gui component the GUI component is named just like the function. For intance if the gui says
TimeConfiguration > Animation > Start > End
my function would look like TimeConfiguration.Animation (x, y)
But oh no! So here’s what I got confused about in 3d max.
TimeConfiguration > Animation > Start > End
= animationrange.start, animationrange.end
but this
Render Scene Dialog > Common > TimeOutput > Active Time Segement
also = TimeConfiguration > Animation > Start > End
However everytime I saw, animationrange, I kept thinking it was
Render Scene Dialog > Common > Range (x, y)
Part of the problem is that I am writing some scripts for scene that may or may not have animation. I do 3d modelling but I don’t bother with any animation I just make models. So I never even knew about TimeConfiguration until I had to write this script.
I never knew to look for TimeConfiguration in the reference guide, I kept looking for frame, range, animationrange, but I didn’t take the time to check out what the TimeConfiguration was. I also thought Render Scene Dialog > Common > TimeOutput > Single
would have priority because imo its faster to acces that for testing purposes, but it doesn’t.
Anyway I am starting to learn this stuff trust me hehehehehe.
You have to remember that:
Maxscript is not C++ so don’t try to use it like it is, though I know nothing about programing beyond Maxscript.
Maxscript is an extension to the C++ code so you can only work with what they give you.
You have to find a method of how to use the Help file that works for you. For example, searching for time, time, time, and time all return a different set of results. In your case I would search for “render time” cause you seem to be searching for information about rendering and time, results #1 “Controlling the Render” and #9 “Render scene dialog” give you the infomration you were looking for. Or from the “Controlling the Render” page click the “Rendering Topics – Index” link, from there the second link is “Render Scene Dialog”.
So you have to follow the links given to you and not just explore the first few from the Help search, this is how I have figured out most of my stuff. I try something it doesn’t work, I find something else that might work, and continue doing so until I get something that may work. As a last result, if the documentation is incomplete (in some places it is, but Bobo can only work with what he is given and this is a project he has inherited), or if find something totally wrong like it evalutes 1+1 and gives me 12, I will come searching for help. Also, if you find something that doesn’t work then go back and start following more links. All the information you should need is in the help, you just need to look for it. If it was easy to do and find then everyone would be a scripter and there would be little need for boards like this or the Maxscript Reference .
I hope some of this helps you get some of the results you are looking for,