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[Closed] The Challenge >>> Biped Figure Mode

fn getbodycontrollers = (for obj in geometry where iskindof (c = obj.controller) Vertical_Horizontal_Turn collect c)  

	t0 = timestamp()
	h0 = heapfree

	for k=1 to 1 do
		--getclassinstances Vertical_Horizontal_Turn processAllAnimatables:on

	format "time:% heap:%\n" (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree)

for 1000 biped default skeletons:

getclassinstances >> time:121 heap:192L
getbodycontrollers >> time:64 heap:192L

i just know the code behind getclassinstances … it cann’t be fast with that algorithm. I have my own mxs extension method that searches only TM controllers. it gives me:

getbodycontrols >> time:7 heap:192L

Well, the numbers here are quite the contrary, might be due to my quantum processor.

getclassinstances >> time:72 heap:171448L
getbodycontrollers >> time:264 heap:10725664L

Oh! Why are these ‘heap’ numbers on your machine? It should not leak at all! All memory usage is about creating one mxs array…

BTW, what MAX vertion is it?

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Joined: 11 months ago

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Joined: 11 months ago

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Ha! I thought it was something new, but it’s very old. My “target” version is now 2016

Max 2014

getclassinstances >> time:72 heap:171448L
getbodycontrollers >> time:264 heap:10725664L

Max 2016

getclassinstances >> time:59 heap:149264L
getbodycontrollers >> time:213 heap:8934544L

Max 2021

getclassinstances >> time:60 heap:156324L
getbodycontrollers >> time:303 heap:10168484L

You are excluded from the list of testers!

In fact, this is what I ended up with after a series of experiments – monitor the scene with a NodeEventCallback and catch changes (notifications) of a reference target(s) (in our case this is the Body controller) with ‘when construct’ for isolated targets.

Now the next step… Can we make some sort of universal ‘monitor’ for this kind of tasks?

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

I guess that, with a “clear goal” and a bit of patience, it could be done, at least for some properties/classes.

Here is a little attempt that needs A LOT more work to be used in production:

try(destroyDialog ::RO_PROPERTY_MONITOR) catch()
rollout RO_PROPERTY_MONITOR "Property Monitor" width:222 height:100
	edittext    ed_class    "Class:"         pos:[ 25, 8] fieldwidth:156 text:"Vertical_Horizontal_Turn"
	edittext    ed_property "Property:"      pos:[  8,32] fieldwidth:156 text:"figureMode"
	checkbutton chk_state   "STATE"          pos:[  8,60] width:48 height:32 enabled:false
	checkbutton chk_monitor "Enable Monitor" pos:[ 58,60] width:156 height:32
	local instances     = #()
	local nodesCallback = undefined
	local theClass      = undefined
	local theProperty   = undefined
	fn UpdateUI =
		state = false
		for ctrl in instances do state = state or (getProperty ctrl theProperty)
		chk_state.state = state
	fn UpdateInstances event node =
		deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#ID_0X712292CE
		instances = getClassInstances theClass
		when parameters instances changes id:#ID_0X712292CE handleAt:#redrawViews do UpdateUI()
	fn EnableMonitor state:false =
		theClass    = execute ed_class.text		-- Needs to be validated (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
		theProperty = ed_property.text			-- Needs to be validated (NOT IMPLEMENTED) (only boolean in this example)
		ed_class.enabled = ed_property.enabled = not state
		if state then
			UpdateInstances 0 0
			nodesCallback = NodeEventCallback added:UpdateInstances deleted:UpdateInstances
			deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#ID_0X712292CE
			nodesCallback = undefined
			gc light:on
	on chk_monitor changed arg do EnableMonitor state:arg
	on RO_PROPERTY_MONITOR close do EnableMonitor state:false

Forget about being a little faster … let’s assume getclassinstances works well enough

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