[Closed] Texture coordinates and maxscript?
Ok, i have this little problem: Each physical vertex of a mesh can possible relate to 2 or more places on the UV plane. AFAIK there is no function that will give me the position of the UV vertex in relation to a certain face, and that is what I need.
The closest function I’m looking at is this:
polyOp.getMapVert <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <int index>
This function asks for the poly object, the map channel, and the vertex index, from what i understand. It returns 1 value, the UV position of that vertex. But there can be multiple values right? So which one does it give me? I would like to somehow get the UV position of a vertex in relation to a certain texture face.
Here is a picture demonstrating the problem:
To understand how works mapping coordinates in maxscript (and 3dsmax), here is a script which print in the listener (F11) the uvw structure of your object. It shows the report between vertices and mapVertices in 2 directions.
fn getArrayOfMapVerts2VertsPOLY theObj theMapChannel =
numMapVerts = polyOp.getNumMapVerts theObj theMapChannel
mapVerts2Verts = for mv=1 to numMapVerts collect #()
numMapFaces = polyOp.getNumMapFaces theObj theMapChannel
for f = 1 to numMapFaces do (
theMapFace = polyOp.getMapFace theObj theMapChannel f
polyFace = polyOp.getFaceVerts theObj f
for mv=1 to theMapFace.count do (
mapVert = theMapFace[mv]
if findItem mapVerts2Verts[mapVert] polyFace[mv] == 0 do append mapVerts2Verts[mapVert] polyFace[mv]
fn getArrayOfMapVerts2VertsMESH theObj theMapChannel =
numMapVerts = meshOp.getNumMapVerts theObj theMapChannel
mapVerts2Verts = for mv=1 to numMapVerts collect #()
numMapFaces = meshOp.getNumMapFaces theObj theMapChannel
for f = 1 to numMapFaces do (
theMapFace = meshOp.getMapFace theObj theMapChannel f
theMapFace = #(theMapFace.x as integer,theMapFace.y as integer,theMapFace.z as integer)
meshFace = getFace theObj f
meshFace = #(meshFace.x as integer,meshFace.y as integer,meshFace.z as integer)
for mv=1 to theMapFace.count do (
mapVert = theMapFace[mv]
if findItem mapVerts2Verts[mapVert] meshFace[mv] == 0 do append mapVerts2Verts[mapVert] meshFace[mv]
fn getArrayOfMapVerts2Verts theObj theMapChannel =
case classOf theObj of
Editable_mesh: array=getArrayOfMapVerts2VertsMESH theObj theMapChannel
Editable_Poly: array=getArrayOfMapVerts2VertsPOLY theObj theMapChannel
fn getArrayOfVerts2MapVerts mapVerts2Verts =
for mv=1 to mapVerts2Verts.count do
if currentVerts!=undefined do
for v=1 to currentVerts.count do
if verts2MapVerts[currentVerts[v]] == undefined
then verts2MapVerts[currentVerts[v]]=#(mv)
else append verts2MapVerts[currentVerts[v]] mv
if selection.count!=0 then
mapVerts2Verts=getArrayOfMapVerts2Verts obj channel -- create the array mapVerts ==> verts
if mapVerts2Verts!=false do (
verts2MapVerts=getArrayOfVerts2MapVerts mapVerts2Verts -- create the array verts ==> mapVerts
" obj.name
format "
array : mapVerts2Verts
for i=1 to mapVerts2Verts.count do format "mapVert % => verts %
" i mapVerts2Verts[i]
format "
array : verts2MapVerts
for i=1 to verts2MapVerts.count do format "vert % => mapVerts %
" i verts2MapVerts[i]
Also, look up “Understanding Texture Coordinates” in the maxScript reference.
Hi all i finally managed to get the right mapvert …as discribed in the reference…
but i think there is a typo in there…
at least it works for me when replacing “face” by “vertex” in the “Understanding …section “
[left]1. Take the index of the mesh vertex.
[left]2. Find out which faces reference the index of the !! face. !! <—-vertex !
[left]3. Note the number of the vertex (1st, 2nd or 3rd – .x, .y or .z) inside each face.
[left]4. For each face referencing the vertex, get the texture face with the same index.
[left]5. Get the index of the respective texture vertex from the face – 1st, 2nd or 3rd / .x, .y or .z
[left]6. The vertex you got corresonds to the mesh vertex we started with.
[left]7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for all faces found.
Just wanted to let everyone know…or is this correct…sorry if yes…
Ouch! This typo survived 4 releases, thanks for finding it!
I promise it will not be there in the next release…