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[Closed] Swatches – Adobe Kuler .ase Importer script

Here’s a fun little script I put together recently that I’d thought I’d share: Swatches!

Swatches imports .ase files (Adobe Kuler Swatches) and displays their color values
in 5 color pickers. That’s it!

Swatches is based on code I found online by Richard Katz, denisT, ‘mariokart64n’, and JohnMartini’s ColorpickConvert2.0 script.

Swatches has only been tested on .ase files downloaded from, so I’m not 100%
sure that swatches exported from Illustrator or Photoshop or any other program will import
correctly, as the file formatting/line contents may vary slightly.

You can download the script from the Development page.

4 Replies

Very, very nice! I can see that being really useful.

Nice work man. That is a great idea. Way to take it to the next level by building such a script. I’m glad my script ColorPickConverter could help out.

Nice work man. That is a great idea. Way to take it to the next level by building such a script. I’m glad my script ColorPickConverter could help out.

@ Tarik: thanks man!

@ JokerMartini: thanks man! I was banging my head into the wall trying to figure out how to convert a hex into a rbg int and your fn convertColor hexColor = () was just what I needed.