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[Closed] Swap Objects

Little handy script. Select a series of objects and execute. It will then have them trade places in the order they were selected with the last selected object going to the position and rotation of the first.

One thing I would like to add but haven’t figured out how to do (maybe one of you smart individuals can help me with this) is to have it do different things when pressed while the CTRL or ALT button is pressed.

So if you hold down CTRL have it only swap positions. And if you hold down ALT only transfer rotations. I can use the keyboard.altpressed and keyboard.controlpressed global variables however I can’t push a macroscript button while either key is depressed. Any ideas on how to work around that? I don’t want to slow down the ease of use.

macroScript Swapper
 objpos = #()
 objrot = #()
 swapper = selection as array
 for i = 1 to swapper.count do
  objpos[i] = swapper[i].pos
  objrot[i] = swapper[i].rotation
 for i = 1 to swapper.count do
  if i != swapper.count then
   in coordsys (transmatrix swapper[i].pos) swapper[i].rotation = objrot[(i+1)]
  else if  i >1 do
   in coordsys (transmatrix swapper[i].pos) swapper[i].rotation = objrot[1]
 for i = 1 to swapper.count do
  if i != swapper.count then
   swapper[i].pos = objpos[(i+1)]
  else if i > 1 do
   swapper[i].pos = objpos[1]

2 Replies

How about querying


which will return…

...depending on what transform mode you're in. Not as nice as modifier keys, but still alright, and kinda contect-sensitive.

I usually have my fingers resting on the keyboard shortcuts W, E, R for move, rotate, scale anyway so it would be super quick.

Good idea! Works perfectly.

macroScript swapper
 objpos = #()
 objrot = #()
 swapper = selection as array
 for i = 1 to swapper.count do
  objpos[i] = swapper[i].pos
  objrot[i] = swapper[i].rotation
 if toolmode.CommandMode == #rotate or toolmode.CommandMode == #select then
  for i = 1 to swapper.count do
   if i != swapper.count then
	in coordsys (transmatrix swapper[i].pos) swapper[i].rotation = objrot[(i+1)]
   else if  i >1 do
	in coordsys (transmatrix swapper[i].pos) swapper[i].rotation = objrot[1]
 if toolmode.CommandMode == #move or toolmode.CommandMode == #select then
  for i = 1 to swapper.count do
   if i != swapper.count then
	swapper[i].pos = objpos[(i+1)]
   else if i > 1 do
	swapper[i].pos = objpos[1]