[Closed] Substracting transform matrixes and moving object to new transform
I’m trying to get a simple script work.
1.) Let’s say I have 10 objects which are instances, but half of them are mirrored and they have bad pivot position
2.) I have a new object (visually the same as those instances) with different pivot position
3.) I want to replace each of the 10 instances with the new object
4.) I made a script which works like this:
a.) I place the new object over one of the instances and align it by hand to visually match the position
b.) now I select the “bad” object, select the new object, script subtracts their transforms and stores the offset
c.) then I select another “bad” object, select a copy of the new object and script moves the new object to the new position (“new object transform” = “bad object transform” – “stored offset”)
All that works until I get to the mirrored objects. Using the script on those deforms the mesh…
I guess the mirrored matrix calculations mess things up. Unfortunately I don’t know much about matrix calculations…
Is there some easy way how to store the separate parts of the transform matrix (for position and rotation) and then just apply those by rebuilding the new matrix?
Here is the script I have so far which works for some objects but breaks on those that are mirrored:
global CopyTransformOffset
try(destroyDialog CopyTransformOffset)catch()
rollout CopyTransformOffset "CopyTransformOffset" width:170
local OldObject
local NewObject
local offsetvalue
group ""
pickbutton PickButtOld "Master" width:110 across:2 align:#left
button ButtOldGet "Get" width:30 align:#right
pickbutton PickButtNew "New" width:110 across:2 align:#left
button ButtNewGet "Get" width:30 align:#right
button ButtStoreOffset "StoreOffset" width: 145 align:#center
label labInfo "No offset stored!"
group ""
button ButtAlign "Align" width: 145 align:#center
/*pickbutton loads it's name target and loads the object to variable*/
on PickButtOld picked obj do
PickButtOld.text = obj.name
OldObject = obj
/*loads selected object to variable and changes text of PickButtWhich*/
on ButtOldGet pressed do
if selection.count == 1 then
obj = $
PickButtOld.text = obj.name
OldObject = obj
messagebox "You have to select one object!" title:"Error, terrific error!"
/*pickbutton loads it's name target and loads the object to variable*/
on PickButtNew picked obj do
PickButtNew.text = obj.name
NewObject = obj
/*loads selected object to variable and changes text of PickButtWhere*/
on ButtNewGet pressed do
if selection.count == 1 then
obj = $
PickButtNew.text = obj.name
NewObject = obj
messagebox "You have to select one object!" title:"Error, terrific error!"
on ButtStoreOffset pressed do
if ((OldObject != undefined) and (NewObject != undefined)) then
offsetvalue = OldObject.transform - NewObject.transform
labInfo.text = offsetvalue as string
messagebox "Master or new objects are empty!" title:"Problem?"
on ButtAlign pressed do
if ((OldObject != undefined) and (NewObject != undefined) and (offsetvalue != undefined)) then
NewObject.transform = OldObject.transform - offsetvalue
messagebox "Master or new objects are empty or no offset is stored"
createDialog CopyTransformOffset -- create main dialog
could you attach a sample max file with objects to fix? only three nodes… the right one, the wrong one, and the wrong mirrored.
or you can make a snippet that creates these nodes…
I’m sorry, but couldn’t find the time for the test scene. Started working on it like 4 times just to get much more important task :shrug:
I don’t won’t have access to the computer with those files over the weekend, so I will post the scene on Monday.
Thanks for willing to look into this.