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[Closed] Subanims and properties mismatch

I’m trying to expose all the properties and subanims of an object, but I don’t want to duplicate properties that don’t share the same name when called by getsubanimnames and getpropnames.
For example; a sphere returns

getpropnames $
#(#smooth, #radius, #segs, #mapcoords, #slice, #hemisphere, #sliceFrom, #sliceTo, #chop, #recenter, #realWorldMapSize)

getsubanimnames $.baseobject
#(#radius, #Segments, #smooth, #hemisphere, #Slice_From, #Slice_To)

So we have mismatches for ‘segments’, ‘sliceFrom’ and ‘sliceTo’

If I start with the getpropnames result (given that this provides a list of both animatable and non animatable properties), is there any way to get the subanim names from the property names?


1 Reply

There;s a fair bit on the subject here :

But it doesn’t, as far as I can tell, provide a means to either get the subanimname from the property name, or get the property name from the subanim!