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[Closed] Stupid macro recorder question

The other day I was modeling and wanted to automate a repetitive task. I was selecting a group
of polys, extruding them, scaling them, then extruding and scaling them again.
I’ve written some fairly sophisticated scripts but have done them reading the help file so
I figured this would be easy. I brought up the listener window. I turned on ‘macro recorder’ from
the ‘Maxscript’ menu. I did the commands but nothing was ever recorded What am I doing
wrong? I’m using Max 5.

3 Replies

edit: Sorry double post


The Macro recorder isn’t really very useful, most of the commands are not recorded. Look in the help file instead, for polyops. there you will find for extrude etc. it takes some time to get used to.

Thanks. I was wondering why about half the stuff doesn’t seem to show up.