[Closed] String Methods
hey everyone, got stuck with this might be simple one in mxs.
string1= “this is my string”
string2= “this is my string and more string”
” this is my strng” is in both the strings. I want that part gone in string2 and only “and more string”string has to be remained. anyways of doing it ? Thanks
No problem! Out of interest, what’s your background? What are you hoping to achieve in max?
Hi Dave,
I studied Computer Science but I’m now working in the architectural visualisation field. I was hoping to look into Maxscripting and write some basic tools to speed up and automate some processes in our workflow. Hopefully it’ll get to a stage where the scripts will be helpful to everyone in our studio. =)
Thanks Dave! It is rewarding when you see your script working. By the way, you have an impressive website and portfolio!
In the meantime I have a question about structs and evaluating an expression.
Say I have the following:
struct aCollection (name, count)
bottleCollection = aCollection "wineBottles" 10
property = count
print bottleCollection.property
How could I get it to evaluate the last line to read as bottleCollection.count instead of trying to find the member “property”?
You could do using the following methods:
property = "count"
-- method 1
val = getProperty bottleCollection property
-- method 2
execute ("val = bottleCollection." +property)
Firstly, define your property count as a string, otherwise it will return the undefined value of an undefined variable count
Then, the first method is the best in this situation. getProperty will return a propety from most objects in max – spheres, controllers, structs, etc. For example:
getProperty $sphere01 "radius" -- the radius of $sphere01
getproperty $[1].modifiers[1] #angle -- the angle of the first modifier in the first object in a selection of 2 or more objects
The second method executes max code, similar to eval() in JavaScript. However, the function executes in, and returns any variables in, global scope. It’s also a slow function, but sometimes the only way to get a job done.
Cheers the for the nice words!
Thanks once again Dave! I’m surprised at how quick you replied and your answers have been of great help. Thanks once again! =)
substituteString <source_string> <from_string> <to_string> Returns a new string with all occurrences of <from_string> in <source_string> replaced with <to_string>. Available in 3ds Max 2008 and higher
string1= "this is my string"
string2= "this is my string and more string"
result = (substituteString string2 (string1 + " ") "")