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[Closed] Storing node references

I have a scripted plugin that needs to store a reference to another node of the same type.

parameters main rolout:params
     oppositeControl type:#node

I can assign the reference from one object to another:
[font=Courier New] [/font]

$obj01.oppositeControl = $obj02

but when I try to store a reference from the second back to the first I get a dependency loop error:
[font=Courier New][size=2] [/font][/size]

[font=Courier New][size=2][/font][/size]$obj2.oppositeControl = $obj01
       -- Runtime error: Assignment failed, possible dependency loop

I did some digging through the docs and found out the cause of the problem.

[font=Courier New]#node and #nodeTab are used to store references to nodes. The nodes stored in these parameters cannot create a circular dependency. If, for example, you were creating a scripted helper, and set the helper as a target or parent of a camera, you can not store the camera node in a #node or #nodeTab parameter.[/font]

What would be the best way to store a reference between two nodes in a way that doesn’t make max panic? I would store the node names as a string an use GetNodeByName, but this could cause some serious problems if anything gets renamed.

3 Replies

Use a maxObjectTab instead and nodeTransformMonitor. Have a look here on my site…

Interesting. This requires a few extra steps to manage the references, but at least it works without throwing dependency loop errors. Thanks, Paul.

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you don’t need maxObjectTab. The maxObject type property is enough. But the nodeTransformMonitor is undoubtedly the key.