[Closed] Storing Expression Controllers
I’m working on schematic material editor and I’ve a got some problems storing expression controllers to scene. Basicly storing bezier_float and bezier_color controllers is easy. I simply added smeControllers (#maxObjectTab) custom parameter (custom atributes) to rootNode and store all my bezier_* controllers there. Now I thought it’d be as simple as that for expression controllers too, it aint howevere because I use those bezier_* controllers and other expression controllers in my expression controllers and for some odd reason max thinks storing all these to same custom parameter array creates dependancy loop.
My problem is that I need to store N number of expression controllers to max scene. I can’t store them to materials which use them, because there might be more than one per material and using array to store them would cause dependancy loop (in maxs opinion). I haven’t found a way to add N number of custom parameters to rootNode either because max doesn’t support parametric names.
One way of getting around these limititations would be creating new dummy object for each expression controller and store it that way. This however would create lots of unnecessary carbage to scene which I wish to avoid.
So any ideas how to store N number of expression controllers to max scene without any aditional objects/materials/etc?
I don’t have an answer to your issues but I know that a number of people have tried doing what you are and have not been able to make it work. This is also including using C++ as a compiled plugin. Bobo got close with script some years ago and Marsel also took a stab at it in C++ and didn’t get it to completely work. You should check out what both of had problems.