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[Closed] Stl Check As String In Label

I’m working on script which check and fix geometry and I want use stl check however I don’t know how to get raports from stl to my
script as string in label. It seem there is no info about this in max help. Is it possible to achieve?

3 Replies

good. how is it going?

it,s going way better than I expected but the deeper I go with it the more I want to fix and the more cuestions comes to my mind.
Basically I still work on this same plugin.
Now I have to solve small issues but the core alelemnts I’m going to start working on, will appear in next week. I would be extreamly grateful for any help concerning you already helped me more than could expect from anyone. Thank You Dany!

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first of all i’m not Dany… and also not Danny, Denny, Dan, or Denise…

the STL modifier selects something depending on its selection task… so the most interesting what you can get from its result is the current mesh sub-selection (<node>.mesh.selectededges, <node>.mesh.selectedfaces)