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[Closed] Stepped array 1 to 66 or more

i’ve been trying awhile to make a stepped array, is it possible or am i over thinking it?

thanks for any help

7 Replies

here’s what i got crude so far.

 rollout SPosts "W Racks ver. 2.8.08" 
  						spinner num4 "Hoz spacing" type:#float range:[2,10,4.5]
  						spinner num1 "vert spacing" type:#float range:[2,10,3.75]
  						spinner num2 "Columes" type:#integer range:[1,75,10]
  						spinner num3 "Rows Drop" type:#integer range: [1,4,1]
  						spinner num5 "deep" type:#integer range: [1,3,1]
  						spinner num6 "nothing" type:#integer range:[1,75,11]
  						label lab1 "__________________________________________" button create "Make Them"
  						on create pressed do
  						undo off
  						gg1 = num1.value+.68
  						gg2 = num2.value
  						gg3 = num3.value
  						gg4 = num4.value
  						gg5 = num5.value*10.5
  						gg6 = num6.value*gg1
  						for i = 1 to gg2 do
  						gbox = box()
  						gbox.length =1.375
  						gbox.width = .68
  						gbox.height = i*gg1*gg3
  						gbox.position.x = i * gg4
  						for k = 1 to gg2 do
  						gbox = box()
  						gbox.length =1.375
  						gbox.width = .68
  						gbox.height = k*gg1*gg3
  						gbox.position.x = k * gg4
  						gbox.position.y = gg5
  						for h = 1 to 2 do
  						gbox = box()
  						gbox.length =1.375
  						gbox.width = gg2*gg4-gg4+.50
  						gbox.height = .68
  						gbox.position.x = (gg2*gg4)/2+(gg4/2)
  						gbox.position.y = h*(-gg5-1.375)+gg5+1.375-(-gg5-1.375)-.68
  						for j = 1 to gg2-1 do
  						gbox = box()
  						gbox.length =1.375
  						gbox.width = gg4+.68
  						gbox.height = .68
  						gbox.position.x = j * gg4+(gg4/2)
  						gbox.position.z = j * gg3*gg1-.68
  						gbox.position.y = gg5-gg5-.68
  						for j1 = 1 to gg2-1 do
  						gbox = box()
  						gbox.length =1.375
  						gbox.width = gg4+.68
  						gbox.height = .68
  						gbox.position.x = j1 * gg4+(gg4/2)
  						gbox.position.z = j1 * gg3*gg1-.68
  						gbox.position.y = gg5+.68
  						for j2 = 1 to gg2-1 do
  						gbox = box()
  						gbox.length =10.5
  						gbox.width = .68
  						gbox.height = .68
  						gbox.position.x = j2 * gg4+.68
  						gbox.position.z = j2 * gg3*gg1-.68
  						gbox.position.y = (gg5/2)
  						for j3 = 1 to gg2-1 do
  						gbox = box()
  						gbox.length =10.5
  						gbox.width = .68
  						gbox.height = .68
  						gbox.position.x = j3 * gg4+gg4-.68
  						gbox.position.z = j3 * gg3*gg1-.68
  						gbox.position.y = (gg5/2)
  						for j3 = 1 to gg2-1 do
  						for j4 = 1 to gg2-1 do
  						rail3 = splineshape()
  						addnewspline rail3
  						addknot rail3 1 #corner #curve [5.52,gg5,-gg1]
  						addknot rail3 1 #corner #curve [4.84,gg5,-gg1]
  						addknot rail3 1 #corner #curve [4.84,0,-gg1]
  						addknot rail3 1 #corner #curve [5.52,.68,-gg1]
  						rail3.steps = 0
  						close rail3 1
  						updateshape rail3
  						 = "rail_a"
  						addModifier rail3 (extrude amount:.68 segs:1)
  						rail3.position.x = j3 * gg4+gg4-gg4-gg4
  						rail3.position.z = j4 * gg1-.68
  						 for j3 = 1 to gg2-1 do
  						 for j4 = 1 to gg2-1 do
  						rail4 = splineshape()
  						addnewspline rail4
  						addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [7.98,gg5,-gg1]
  						addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [8.66,gg5,-gg1]
  						addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [8.66,0,-gg1]
  						addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [7.98,.68,-gg1]
  						rail4.steps = 0
  						close rail4 1
  						updateshape rail4
  						 = "rail_b"
  						addModifier rail4 (extrude amount:.68 segs:1)
  						rail4.position.x = j3 * gg4+gg4-gg4-gg4
  						rail4.position.z = j4 * gg1-.68
  			   createDialog SPosts width:225 height: 180   bgcolor:(color 60 0 25)  fgcolor:(color 255 255 255)

How about this? Will give you the same structure…

for a=1 to 20 do
   for b=1 to a do
	  box size:[10,10,10] pos:[a*45,b*45,0] wirecolor:blue


ps, shorter

for a=1 to 20 do (
   for b=1 to a do
	  box size:[10,10,10] pos:[a*45,b*45,0] wirecolor:blue

Actually it’s a one liner… I spread it out for clairity…

[left]for a=1 to 20 do (for b=1 to a do(box size:[10,10,10] pos:[a45,b45,0] wirecolor:blue))[/left]


[left]“Do in one line, that which others do all day…” – Keith Morrison[/left]

[left]Just made that up…[/left]

thanks for the help but they are not boxes.

for a=1 to 20 do (for b=1 to a do(box size:[10,10,10] pos:[a45,b45,0] wirecolor:blue))

for a=1 to 20 do (for b=1 to a do( insert myslpine paremeters here? ))

rail4 = splineshape()
  			addnewspline rail4
  			addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [7.98,gg5,-gg1]
  			addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [8.66,gg5,-gg1]
  			addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [8.66,0,-gg1]
  			addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [7.98,.68,-gg1]
  			  rail4.steps = 0
  			  close rail4 1
  			  updateshape rail4
  				 = "rail_b"
  			  addModifier rail4 (extrude amount:.68 segs:1)

I think I got it, thanks for the direction and help.

     	   for j3 = 1 to gg2-1 do
     	   for j4 = 1 to j3 do
  	   rail4 = splineshape()
     	   addnewspline rail4
     	   addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [3.48,gg5,-gg1]
     	   addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [4.16,gg5,-gg1]
     	   addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [4.16,0,-gg1]
     	   addknot rail4 1 #corner #curve [3.48,.68,-gg1]
     	   rail4.steps = 0
     	   close rail4 1
     	   updateshape rail4
     							 = "rail_b"
     	   addModifier rail4 (extrude amount:.68 segs:1)
     	   rail4.position = [j3 *gg4,0,j4 *gg1]