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[Closed] State Sets C#
Oct 29, 2012 5:16 pm
Can anyone help me with a little issue?
I’m trying to access the .CurrentState property from Autodesk.Max.StateSets.dll using C# but I can’t find a solution for this problem.
In MaxScript I can use:
masterState.CurrentState = #(masterState.Children.Item[x])
In C# how can I use the .CurrentState to Ative my State Set? My code is:
var StateSetsObjs = Autodesk.Max.StateSets.Plugin.Instance;
var masterState = StateSetsObjs.EntityManager.RootEntity.MasterStateSet;
for (int i...)
masterState.CurrentState = masterState.Children... ???
What I need to use to make my State Set ative by ID?
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