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[Closed] StandardMaterial not showing in viewport

I’m using MaxScript (2010) to create a Standard Material with a diffuse map and applying it to an existing Editable Mesh (with UVW modifier), like this:

 for m in selection do
 	if classof m==Editable_Mesh do
 		newMtl = myCreateMaterialFunction
 		m.material = newMtl

The script seems to run fine, but I do not see the diffuse map in the view-port. When I use the material ‘picker’ tool (next to the material name on the Material Editor) to confirm that my material was applied, the diffuse map suddenly appears in the view-port! Also, the material looks correct in the M Editor, so I think my code is working correctly, except for the view-port issue.

Does anyone know what value is being changed so that I am able to see the material suddenly start working in the view-port? I would like my script to make sure the view-port shows properly without needing to ‘tickle’ each mesh.

Thanks for any help!

2 Replies

it’s better to show your problem code. i’m absolutely sure there is something very easy to get the result…
have you checked <material>.showInViewport? … showTextureMap … showHWTextureMap … ?

“showInViewport” was the property I needed. I’m new to MaxScript, so I didn’t know how to find the properties that might help. Thanks!