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[Closed] Standard windows DropDown menus

Can someone point me in the the direction of how to implement windows drop down menus like the standard “File, Edit, View, Tools” etc in a rollout window?

I saw a video demoing how it is done but cannot find the links anymore.


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check CreateDialog and RCMenu Clauses in MXS Help

rcmenu win_TopRC 
	submenu "File"
		menuitem openi "Open ..."
		menuitem savei "Save ..."
		separator sp1
		menuitem exiti "Exit"
	submenu "Help"
		menuitem helpi "About"
try (destroydialog win) catch()
rollout win "Dialog"
createdialog win 200 100 menu:win_TopRC


I read and read the manuals but they rarely make sense and have only a few examples.

Thanks heaps. :bowdown: