[Closed] Spline Inseter
I made a script (with the help of you beautiful people) that can take a spline and pull the ends in 3 units. There’s probably a more elegant way to do this, but I’m not much a programer so I did the best I could. It works fine so long as I only have one shape selected. If I have multiple shapes selected, though, the part towards the end that welds knots together doesn’t work right. It works fine for the last shape in the selection, and it works fine as long as no spline has more than 3 knots in it, but if there’s a spline with 4 or more knots that is not in the last shape of the selection, it doesn’t weld. I can’t figure out why. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can get it to weld reliably, I would appreciate it. Here’s the whole script to look at and if anyone else would get a use out of it.
try (destroyDialog spline_inseter) catch()
rollout spline_inseter “Spline Inseter”
–Creates button
button do_it “Inset Splines” width:141 height:27
on do_it pressed do
--Makes an array of selected splines
thesel = selection as array
--Loops through selection
for i = 1 to thesel.count do
--Isolates one spline
obj = thesel[i]
--Keeps track of the spline name
name_tracker = obj.name
--Empties the face array
face_array = #()
--Empties the edges array
edges = #()
--Makes an extrude modifier
extr = extrude()
--Sets the extrude amount
extr.amount = 100000
--Adds an extrude modifier to the spline
addmodifier thesel[i] extr
--Converts the extruded spline to an editable poly
converttopoly obj
--Insets the polys, creates a shape from the inseted polys, deletes the original spline, and renames the new spline with the old name
select obj
subobjectLevel = 4
polyOp.setFaceSelection obj #all
obj.insetType = 0
obj.insetAmount = 3
obj.EditablePoly.buttonOp #Inset
face_array = polyOp.getFaceSelection obj
edges = polyop.getEdgesUsingFace obj face_array
polyop.createShape obj edges
spl = $Shape01
delete obj
spl.name = name_tracker
setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#modify
--Welds all verts together
max select none
select spl
subObjectLevel = 1
max select all
splineOps.weld spl
subObjectLevel = 0
updateshape spl
--Deletes all knots but the bottom ones
for s = 1 to (numsplines $) do
global edge_array = #()
global deleter = 0
for k = 1 to (numsegments $ s) do
tracker = 0
knt_1 = getKnotPoint $ s k
if isClosed $ s do
if k < (numsegments $ s) do
knt_2 = getKnotPoint $ s (k+1)
if k== (numsegments $ s) do
knt_2 = getKnotPoint $ s (1)
if isClosed $ s == false do
knt_2 = getKnotPoint $ s (k+1)
if knt_1.z > ($.pos.z+40000) do
if tracker == 0 do
deleter = (deleter + 1)
edge_array [deleter] = k
tracker = 1
if knt_2.z > ($.pos.z+40000) do
if tracker == 0 do
deleter = (deleter + 1)
edge_array [deleter] = k
tracker = 1
subObjectLevel = 2
setsegselection spl s edge_array
max delete
updateshape $
--Welds all verts together
subObjectLevel = 1
max select all
splineOps.weld $
subObjectLevel = 0
updateshape $
--Sets the knots to corner
for s = 1 to (numSplines $) do
for k = 1 to (numKnots $ s) do
knt = getKnotPoint $ s k
in_vec = getInVec $ s k
out_vec = getOutVec $ s k
setKnotType $ s k #corner
knt.z = (knt.z - 3)
setInVec $ s k in_vec
setOutVec $ s k out_vec
setKnotPoint $ s k knt
updateshape $
createDialog spline_inseter 160 40
I was reading though your script and can’t see what you are trying to do. When I run your script it makes a edit poly from shape then makes it back into a shape. But new shape is -3 units below old shape.
Are you trying to make a smaller outline of a shape? Sorry
Yeah, I’m sure it seems strange. Here’s a picture of a file I run into on a regular basis. This is the side view and top view. Each different color is a different shape with a unique name. I need all of these to stay unique and have the same name, but I need the ends of each spline of each shape pulled in 3 units. Normally how I would handle this is extrude each shape up, convert it to a poly, inset every face by 3 units, select the bottom edges of the new faces, create a new shape from that selection, delete the poly, rename the new shape with the old name, and drop the new shape 3 units to match the original z position of the first shape. Given that the shapes can have a variety of orientations and heights, this is the quickest way I could think of to pull the ends in by 3 units. I tried to make this script to automate the process since it’s the same every time. That’s what the script does, but it can only do it one shape at a time.
I had to do this for a scaffold script. You can inset a spline, this gives you a shape with 2 spines. You just delete shape 1 and you are left with a spine inset the amount you need. I’m not in office but I will try and sort it for you in the morning. So all in all you never need to change name or colour and don’t have to make poly from your shape.
Oh, one other thing. This looks like it might be from cad. Some splines might be flipped. The check this you get length of your spline first then copy it and measure both spline indexes. If one is shorter then you know it is not flipped. Delete you copy and offset the first. Bit long but you can’t get a normal of a spline to see if it’s flipped.
This should work for you. It will also find and repair all flipped splines
-- Make Offset of Splines
-- Simon Donaghy
My_offset = 3
The_Spline = #()
The_Spline = for o in selection where SuperclassOf o == shape collect o
macros.run "Modifier Stack" "Convert_to_Spline"
for s = 1 to The_Spline.count do(
-------- Make our offsets ---------
applyOffset The_Spline[s] My_offset
applyOffset The_Spline[s] -My_offset
deleteSpline The_Spline[s] 4
-------- get our spline length ---------
Old_Length_Array = getSegLengths The_Spline[s] 1
In_Length_Array = getSegLengths The_Spline[s] 2
Out_Length_Array = getSegLengths The_Spline[s] 3
Old_Length = 0
In_Length = 0
Out_Length = 0
for i = 1 to Old_Length_Array.count do(
Old_Length = Old_Length + Old_Length_Array[i]
In_Length = In_Length + In_Length_Array[i]
Out_Length = Out_Length + Out_Length_Array[i]
-------- Remove extra Shapes -----------
if In_Length < Old_Length then(
-------- Good spline -----------
deleteSpline The_Spline[s] 3
deleteSpline The_Spline[s] 1
-------- Flipped spline -----------
deleteSpline The_Spline[s] 2
deleteSpline The_Spline[s] 1
splineOps.reverse The_Spline[s]