[Closed] Spline Explode -> Array
I’m currently working on my second script in max2008 and I’m having a bit of trouble merely selecting all splines within an Editable Spline
I’ve currently got max going to the 3rd sub-object level (splines) but I have no idea what the function is to select all and I just cant find any info.
heres a snippet so far:
on btnTil picked obj do
select obj
max modify mode
subObjectLevel = 3
The reason I’m doing this is to then explode all the splines into seperate objects. Any ideas on how to create an array with those objects just exploded?
you may wish to use actual spline methods to create new shapes, one for each spline in the original shape, and re-create the splines there.
But just to answer your first question…
max select all
or via spline functions…
setSplineSelection $ (for i = 1 to $.numsplines collect ( i ))
Thanks for that!
I suspect I may have to rethink the way this is done as it needs to be done soon…
Cheers :applause: