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[Closed] Spinner to Slider?


I am following the finger tutorial in 3DS Max 8, but the tutorials uses spinners, I rather use sliders. Anyway to change the code?

2 Replies

okay, I haven’t read the tutorial in Max 8, but this is how I do the slider with spinner in Max for the finger control, here is the example for one finger:

–> Parameter Set up

 Parameters IndexP rollout:IndexR
      Index01 type:#float ui:(Index01Sp,Index01Sl)
      Index02 type:#float ui:(Index02Sp,Index02Sl)
      Index03 type:#float ui:(Index03Sp,Index03Sl)
      IndexSplay type:#float ui:(IndexSplaySp,IndexSplaySl)

–> Rollouts Setup

 Rollout IndexR "Index"
      local os=[0,-23], range=[-90,100,0]
      spinner Index01Sp "" range:range
      slider Index01Sl "Index01:" range:Index01Sp.range offset:os
      spinner Index02Sp "" range:range
      slider Index02Sl "Index02:" range:Index02Sp.range offset:os
      spinner Index03Sp "" range:range
      slider Index03Sl "Index03:" range:Index03Sp.range offset:os
      spinner IndexSplaySp "" range:range
      slider IndexSplaySl "Index Splay:" range:IndexSplaySp.range offset:os

Thanks alot.