[Closed] Spinner controllers for FOV, Target
Been looking through the documention but I can’t seem to find a controller for updating FOV and target distance. Does anyone know if these exist?
example in the docs:
spinner ball_radius [color=maroon][font=‘Courier New’]“Ball radius”[/color] controller:($ball.radius.controller)[/font]
i want something like (this doesn’t work)
spinner lens_spinner “Lens (mm):” controller($mcam.fov.controller)[font=‘Courier New’][/font]
myCamera = freeCamera()
myCamera.fov.controller = Bezier_Float()
rollout roll_test "test" (
spinner spn_test "test" controller:myCamera.fov.controller
createDialog roll_test
Should work fine – what was the problem in getting your code to work (there’s a missing ‘:’, but I suspect that’s a typo)?
Note that in my code above, I explicitly assign a controller to the .fov parameter. Otherwise, the controller: part of the spinner definition would fail. There’s tons of reasons why that controller: thing could fail, by the way, and I’d sooner do all the work in the spinner’s own events to prevent such issues.