[Closed] Speedometer Play Animation Issue
I have just made a Speedometer to check the speed of my objects in mph.
I works fine when you scrub the time line and play animation with realtime turned off, but as Soon as I turn the realtime back on I get an odd result. I end up with a irregular speed, with it sometimes going up to 10 mph faster or slower than it should be displaying.
Im using a timeCallback to call my function. The function then gets the position of the object, and the position of the object at the frame before. I then used "distance" to get how far its traveled.
I wondered if it could be the code below that is giving me the issue, is it not able to work this out fast enough, and therefore comparing a distance greater than 1 frame?
I’m using it to give me the frame before the current one. so I can get the object position
at time (((currentTime as integer)/TicksPerFrame) - 1) (targetBefore = target.pos)
Has anybody had issues like this before?
First of all, you don’t really need the whole ((currentTime as integer)/TicksPerFrame) – 1) expression. (currentTime – 1) works just as well.
About your question, please post the rest of your function
Oh ok yeah, I wasnt sure I could use that as “currentTime” was in frames and not an standard integer. I should have tried it though thanks.
in fact that alone has fixed it. It now displays the correct speed thanks. Not really sure why I over complicated it.
Thanks, with the (currentTime – 1), its great.
target = pPickedNode
frameSeconds = (1 / framerate as float)
--format "
" frameSeconds
at time (currentTime - 1)
targetBefore = target.pos -- get the position of the object in the previous frame
disMM = distance targetBefore target.pos
Yeah it does seam strange as the previous version worked when scrubbed or played not in realtime.
But I don’t really understand the line ((currentTime as integer)/TicksPerFrame) anyway.
currentTime = 912f (for example)
(currentTime as integer) = 175104 Why is this the value how does it arrive here???
TicksPerFrame = 192 because its a 24fps file
((currentTime as integer)/TicksPerFrame) = 912
I need to read into this a bit more so I understand exactly what it is doing. I found the line in the maxscript help when trying to find out how to convert the 912f to a integer.
currentTime as integer is the current time expressed in ticks. Since it’s 192 ticks per frame, this number is 912 * 192.
If you want just the frame integer, you can use currentTime.frame, but that isn’t necessary as the at time context accepts a time interval value, not necessarily an integer value.
That makes sense I didn’t realize “currenttime” as integer give me the time in ticks, and now that I understand that, the oddity still doesn’t make sense. but it doesn’t matter to much, as I have a working solution. Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me.