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[Closed] Speed up finding closest vertex?

That link doesn’t quite work. Anyway, to contribute a little bit, here’s yet another 3d grid (repurposed and not really tested thoroughly so watch out for subtle bugs):

  	struct grid3D
  		gridData = #(),
  		gridAddress = #(),
  		fn build =
  			local start = [int(minPos/gridUnit).x, int(minPos/gridUnit).y, int(minPos/gridUnit).z]
  			local end = [int(maxPos/gridUnit).x, int(maxPos/gridUnit).y, int(maxPos/gridUnit).z]
  			for x = start.x to end.x do
  				for y = start.y to end.y do
  					for z = start.z to end.z do
  						append gridAddress (getHashValue [x,y,z] 0)
  						append gridData #{}
  		fn getAddress pos =
  			pos /= gridUnit
  			[int(pos.x), int(pos.y), int(pos.z)]
  		fn addItem item pos =
  			append gridData[findItem gridAddress (getHashValue (getAddress pos) 0)] item,
  		fn reset =
  			gridData = for item in gridAddress collect #{},
  		fn getItemsNearPos pos tolerance:1 orig: items:#{} = 
  			local gridPos = getAddress pos
  			for x = gridPos.x - tolerance to gridPos.x + tolerance do
  				for y = gridPos.y - tolerance to gridPos.y + tolerance do
  					for z = gridPos.z - tolerance to gridPos.z + tolerance do
  						local index = findItem gridAddress (getHashValue [x, y, z] 0)
  						if index > 0 do join items gridData[index]
  			if orig != unsupplied do items[orig] = false
  			if items.isEmpty then getItemsNearPos pos tolerance:(tolerance + 1) orig:orig else items
  	fn getClosestVert obj pos verts getPos =
  		local cv, cd = 1e9
  		for v in verts do
  			local d = distance (getPos obj v) pos
  			if d < cd do (cv = v; cd = d)
  		#(cv, cd)
  	local obj = convertToPoly (Teapot segments:28)
  	local verts = obj.verts as bitarray
  	local getVertPos = case (classOf obj) of
  		editable_Mesh: getVert
  		editable_Poly: polyOp.getVert
  		polyMeshObject: polyOp.getVert
  	local start = timeStamp()
  	local grid = grid3D minPos:obj.min maxPos:obj.max gridUnit:(0.05 * length (obj.max - obj.min))
  	local addItem = grid.addItem
  	for v in verts do addItem v (getVertPos obj v)
  	format "Grid init: % ms
" (timeStamp() - start)
  	start = timeStamp()
  	for i = 1 to 100 do
  		local testVert = random 1 verts.numberSet
  		local pos = getVertPos obj testVert
  		getClosestVert obj pos (grid.getItemsNearPos pos orig:testVert) getVertPos
  	format "Getting info for 100 vertices: % ms
" (timeStamp() - start)

Of course, the main advantage here is ‘build the grid once, get the info faster later on’.

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More on the naive algorithm, without any sorting or acceleration grids:

I gave it a try in c# just for fun, and surprisingly it was around 30 times faster than maxscript, including the time it takes to send the vertex data from maxscript to dotnet.

I expected it to be faster, but not by this much, especially since the distance function in maxscript is implemented in c++.

How do you explain this? Is the MXS bottleneck iterating over the array?

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what algorithm are talking about?

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Similar to post #5 of this thread

well… this is the method what is now way to bit using mxs only:

fn getClosestMeshVert mesh point:[0,0,0] verts: =
	local vert, dist = 1e9
	for v in verts where (d = distance (getvert mesh v) point) < dist do
		vert = v
		dist = d
	#(vert, dist)

with redraw off
	delete objects 
	s = geosphere segs:100
	mesh = snapshotasmesh s
	verts = #{1..mesh.numverts}
	t1 = timestamp()
	m1 = heapfree
	getClosestMeshVert mesh verts:verts
	format "verts:% time:% memory:%
" verts.numberset (timestamp() - t1) (m1 - heapfree) 
	free mesh

it takes:

verts:100002 time:143 memory:584L

do you want to say that c# can do it 30 times faster?


Unless I’m missing something, seems it can do it more than 100 times faster.

Here’s some messy LINQPad code.

struct Vector3 
	public float X; 
	public float Y;
	public float Z;
	public Vector3(float x, float y, float z) { X = x; Y = y; Z = z; }

float Distance(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) 
	float dX = a.X - b.X;
	float dY = a.Y - b.Y;
	float dZ = a.Z - b.Z;
	return (float)Math.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ);

int GetClosestPoint(List<KeyValuePair<int, Vector3>> verts, Vector3 pos)
	float closestD = Single.MaxValue;
	int closestInd = -1;
	foreach (var kvp in verts)
		float d = Distance(pos, kvp.Value);
		if (d < closestD)
			closestD = d;
			closestInd = kvp.Key;
	return closestInd;

Random r = new Random();

Vector3 RandomPoint() { return new Vector3 ((float)r.NextDouble(), (float)r.NextDouble(), (float)r.NextDouble()); }

void Main()
	var verts = new List<KeyValuePair<int, Vector3>>();
	for (int i = 0; i < 100002; i++)
		verts.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, Vector3>(i, RandomPoint()));
	Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
	int x = 0; //so the loop doesn't get optimized away
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
		x += GetClosestPoint(verts, new Vector3(0,0,0));
	Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); //126

And we can also optimize it more if we want, by removing the Sqrt from the distance function and comparing the distances squared.

If we really have a heavy mesh, we can easily convert the outer loop to a Parallel.For for multithreading it.

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you are missing a part where you collect vert positions. as i can see you pass a ready array of points…
you will lose a lot of performance and memory making and passing this array to you c# assembly (method)

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I haven’t measured yet, but probably not as much as you think, I do it like this:

  public void SetVertices(float[] values)
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i += 3)
                int ind = i / 3;
                vertices.Add(new KeyValuePair<int,Vector3>(ind, new Vector3(values[i], values[i + 1], values[i + 2])));

and on the MXS side:

                local vCount = getNumVerts obj
		local gv = if isPolyOp obj then polyop.getVert else getVert
		local vals = #()
		vals[vCount * 3] = 0 --preinitialize array length
		in coordsys world
			local ind = 1
			for i = 1 to vCount do
				local v = (gv obj i)
				vals[ind] = v.x
				vals[ind+1] = v.y
				vals[ind+2] = v.z
				ind += 3
		distanceMatcher.SetVertices (dotNet.ValueToDotNetObject vals (dotnetClass "System.Single[]"))

Even if there’s a penalty, it’s still at least an order of magnitude faster than maxscript.

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i don’t think so…
if you run only

fn getClosestMeshVert mesh point =
	local vert, dist = 1e9
	for v=1 to mesh.numverts do (getvert mesh v)

you can see that it takes half time of full function… you have to do it anyway with c# solution…
after that you have to make an array suitable for your c#
it will time as well… finally we will have pretty much close numbers for mxs and c#

here is update… mxs vs sdk

fn getClosestMeshVert mesh point =
	local vert, dist = 1e9
	for v=1 to mesh.numverts where (d = distance (getvert mesh v) point) < dist do
		vert = v
		dist = d

/******************* c++ sdk ***********************
def_visible_primitive(getMeshClosestVert, "getMeshClosestVert");
Value* getMeshClosestVert_cf(Value** arg_list, int count)
	check_arg_count(getMeshClosestVert, 2, count);
	Mesh* mesh = arg_list[0]->to_mesh();
	Point3 point = arg_list[1]->to_point3();
	float dist = FLT_MAX, d;
	int vert;
	for (int k = 0; k < mesh->numVerts; k++)
		d = (point - mesh->verts[k]).FLength();
		if (d < dist)
			vert = k;
			dist = d;
	return Integer::intern(vert+1);

with redraw off
	delete objects 
	s = geosphere segs:200
	mesh = snapshotasmesh s 
	p = getvert mesh 100000
	t1 = timestamp()
	m1 = heapfree
	v = getClosestMeshVert mesh p
	--v = getMeshClosestVert mesh p
	format "% = verts:% time:% memory:%
" v mesh.numverts (timestamp() - t1) (m1 - heapfree) 
	free mesh

mxs => 100000 = verts:400002 time:567 memory:7960L
sdk => 100000 = verts:400002 time:4 memory:176L

snapshot time in not included.
both functions do exactly the same… but sdk is >500 times faster

the mxs’s bottleneck is a passing ‘mesh’ to sdk for every time we ask vertex position (getvert)

actually the ‘getvert’ itself is a bottleneck… i’ve checked the source code of this method:
#1 takes first argument
#2 checks is it geometry, node or mesh
#3 casts or converts to mesh
#4 checks that vertex index (second argument) valid
#5 checks existing of other arguments
#6 gets vertex position
#7 defines coordinates system
#8 if the coordinate system is not local transforms position to another coordinates

that’s it …

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I disagree, this can be proved with this test:

fn getClosestMeshVert1 mesh point =
	local vert, dist = 1e9
	for v=1 to mesh.numverts where (d = distance (getvert mesh v) point) < dist do
		vert = v
		dist = d

fn getClosestMeshVert2 &verts point =
	local vert, dist = 1e9
	for v=1 to verts.count where (d = distance verts[v] point) < dist do
		vert = v
		dist = d

with redraw off
	delete objects; s = geosphere segs:200;	gc()	;
	mesh = snapshotasmesh s 
	p = getvert mesh 100000
	local verts = for v = 1 to getNumVerts mesh collect getVert mesh v
	t1 = timestamp()
	m1 = heapfree
	--v = getClosestMeshVert1 mesh p
	v = getClosestMeshVert2 &verts p
	format "% = verts:% time:% memory:%
" v mesh.numverts (timestamp() - t1) (m1 - heapfree) 
	free mesh

You would expect the getClosestMeshVert2 function to be faster if getVert is the bottleneck, but the difference is only ~10%.


The main advantage of the c# code over the naive maxscript code is in every vertex of mesh vs every vertex of other mesh type calculations, i.e., many positions with the same vertex set, which is the problem we are trying to solve in the first place.

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absolutely correct. we have to pass two clouds which means already prepared data…
but look at c++ result… 0.004 sec. if we repeat it for 400,000 verts:

0.004 * 400000 = 1600.0 secs 

there is no way to do it without anything smarter

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Well, it won’t really be 0.004ms, because you won’t need the argument checks and casting for every iteration, and you can do it with a squared version of distance and save a sqrt, and you could also multithread it and use SIMD intrinsics, but I agree, you could also do all this with an acceleration structure and get much much better results.

( this is begging for a C++ challenge )

here is only distance:

fn getClosestMeshVert mesh point =
	local vert, dist = 1e9, vp = x_axis
	for v=1 to mesh.numverts do (distance point vp)
undefined = verts:400002 time:363 memory:40591624L

true… it looks too slow for me…
let’s do noting else than loop:

fn getClosestMeshVert mesh point =
	local vert, dist = 1e9, vp = x_axis
	for v=1 to mesh.numverts do ()
undefined = verts:400002 time:141 memory:120L

so now you can see how time is distributed.


In conclusion… MAXScript is inherently a slow language no matter what we do.

	fn MxsIsSlow =
		for v = 1 to 1000000 do ( )

	ts = timestamp()
	print (timestamp() -ts) --194

The same code in C++ would take probably less than 0.1ms, even if the loop doesn’t get optimized away by the compiler.

Between the advice posted here and a couple tweaks in my other function, I have a solution that is running ~3.5 times faster than the one I started with (done using only Maxscript).

I’m still wondering if I should consider using a voxel grid, given that I am testing the same mesh against a couple hundred different points at a time.

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this is a scenario #2

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