[Closed] SoulburnScripts Updated Oct 16th 2005
Added 1 new scripts today, groupWithPoint (maya users should know what this is).
Modified several scripts such as subdivisionManager, soulburnScriptsLister, viewportControl, sLib.
Added a new feature to viewportControl that brings up the UI in Expert Mode, which is a condensed set of controls that gets rid of most options and only gives you UI control over the main options you need. This lets you keep the script on your screen while doing other things without the need to minimize it since it takes up very little space. I’ll be adding this functionality to other scripts that need it in the future.
Also added a new macroscript category called SoulburnScriptsExtras that will contain macroscripts and icons for some common max commands. For example, the Measure utility is a max command, but has no macroscript to turn it into an icon on your interface. This is now fixed.
All available here:
Thanks to everyone for your support.
- Neil