[Closed] SoulburnScripts Updated Nov 26th 2007
Added 2 new scripts: [b]
modifierUtilities:[/b] Lets you perform various modifier related tasks on a set of selected objects. For example, takes all the selected objects and adds / removes seperate instances of a specific modifier. Or lets you find any objects in the current selection that contains a specific modifier. Add modifiers to your Favorites area for faster access.
parentSelector: Selects any objects that are not parented to anything. This is really useful if you want to select all the top level parents in your scene or selection, maybe to later link them to a master dummy object.
Updated a bunch of scripts. Here’s some highlights:
sLib: Added functions sLibCopyAndPasteLayerFromNodeToNode, sLibFindObjTopLevelParent, and sLibCopyAndPasteSelectionSetsFromNodeToNode.
objectReplacer: You can now copy the selectionsets and layers of your objects.
Removed Script: modifierAddAndRemove, Please replace this script with modifierUtilities in your UI
and in case anyone missed the last update:
Added 1 new script: circleArrayMaker, similar to array, but always rotates your objects to make a complete circle.
Updated a bunch of scripts:
sLib: Added function sLibGetGroupHead
objectReplacer: Now you can properly use groups as a replacer object.
aligner: Made the script group friendly.
Thanks to everyone for your support.
- Neil
Hi Neil,
thanks for all your work. I’ve been using wire bundler a lot recently as i’ve had to build loads machines with leads all over them. It’s been a huge time saver!
Thanks! I echo the sentiment that your work on and donation of these scripts is much appreciated!
There are several of these scripts I use quite a bit. And … I always go and get the BlankMat from the old Blur pack – I really like that one! I use the new materialRemover for precision work but when I just want to see everything in gray I get the blankMat!
Thanks again!
Thanks Guys! And Daf, I do have planned a more elaborate material moving/resetting script at some point in the future which will include similar functionality to BlankMat. So hopefully one day soon you’ll have an updated version.
- Neil