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[Closed] Some new(ish) scripts

I just wanted everyone to know that I’ve been working to get most of my scripts listed on ScriptSpot, and I also have a couple of new ones.

ClipCompare is a hybrid Maxscript/ActiveX tool which I developed because I though it would be cool, and maybe useful. If you’ve used the RAM player, and wanted a way to see the full frame of both loaded clips at the same time, this is your tool.

This isn’t really new, I’ve just finally gotten around to putting it up on my site. Assign it to a keyboard shortcut, and you can quickly maximize the viewport under the mouse (it doesn’t need to be active first!) at the touch of a key. I did this script to make Max feel just a tad more like Maya in at least one respect.

Loop Select/Deselect
This is actually a rework of a script I already released a while back. The previous version let you deselect entire edgeloops in a single click; this one adds the ability to select and deselect.

Also, I’ve just generally updated some things in the Maxscript section of my site, and added videos to demonstrate my CleanCut and MousePlanter tools.



9 Replies

You rock. Cleancut is one of my all time favorite scripts. Keep up the good work.

mouseplanter is great!! thanks!

How about … improving quick maximize to all functions done in viewport like Maya… ?
Not only for maximize but for eg. shading shorcuts and other… I mean whatever fuctions are in use its executed in viewport when mose is over it…
It shuld speed up workflow like Maya has…

Thank -you, Thank-you, Thank-you!!!
I’m a ex-Maya user and have missed the quick maximize toggle!


Hey! I really liked your Edgeloop Select/Deselect script! I’ve recommended it to all my friends. But what about same tool for edgerings?

I’ll look into that. Seems like a natural extension of the idea…


LFShade, so… have you start some works on Ring Select/Deselect? I think it will be awesome addition to LSD, I cant imagine now how it was possible to model something fast without LSD THX!

Somewhere out there, Timothy Leary is smiling;)

I don’t know why I never thought to make the same for ring select (before this thread, that is). It seems so obvious :banghead: I’ve worked on it some, but only here and there. Only thing is, what will I call it? RSD sounds so boring!


hehe, me likes RSD name
But we can make a secret name for this one, that nobody know what it is, and only choosen start to use it
Secret names can be Stuff, Coolthing or BlaBlaBLa