[Closed] Slice Plane intersection
Hi, everyone!
I need to check, if Slice plane gizmo actually intersect any geometry (with the object this modifier is added to).
What’s the best way to do it? I don’t think I can use IntersectRay here, and it is sooo slow, I also was thinking using “fencePickNode”, but converting coords to viewport and doing some checks did not work well for me.
Maybe there are some other functions I can use and I did not know about?
check trimesh topology (number of verts for example) before the modifier and after…
if you want to touch it with your own hands:
#1 make manipPlane using slice gizmo info (see manip.makePlaneFromNormal)
#2 check an intersection with all trimesh edges while meet the first one (see <manipPlane>.intersect)
which of these two ideas is good? both of them work
i would pick the first one. slice means change the topology
Yes, the first one worked perfectly.
_vertexnow = OBJ.GetNumVertices()
modPanel.addModToSelection (sliceModifier ()) ui:on
OBJ.modifiers[1].slice_type = 1;
ConvertTo OBJ Editable_Poly
_vertexafter = OBJ.GetNumVertices()
max undo
Again, thanks a lot!
everything can be easier. you can make the check without opening modifiers panel and using undo:
delete objects
b = box()
numverts = b.mesh.numverts
addmodifier b (modi = sliceModifier slice_type:1)
modi.slice_plane.position.z += b.height/2
format "slice enabled: % >> %
" numverts b.mesh.numverts
modi.enabled = off
format "slice disabled: % >> %
" numverts b.mesh.numverts
Thank you, did not think that enable/disable will apply mech change instantly, now it will work much more faster