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[Closed] Skin Morph Modifier hidden problem?

I just removed a morph from a bone in the Skin Morph modifier.
On the Modifier panel everything looks right, yet when I access it with Maxscript the morph still exists… Even if I completely remove the bone from the list, after I add it again the morphs I previously deleted are still Accessible via MaxScript…
Anyone knows what’s going on?


7 Replies

Can you provide a few steps that you have taken to make this happen?


-Select an object with a Skin_Morph modifier assigned, preferably with more than one bone in the bone list.

-Go into the modifier and choose one of the bones with at least one morph assigned to it.

-Confirm the number of morphs assigned to that bone:

$.skinMorph.boneGetNumberOfMorphs %4$slt;Bone Name>

-Delete one of the morphs assigned.

-Now check the number of morphs assigned again… When I do it I get the same number…

I also tried removing the morph using maxScript and it still didn’t work as expected.
My main concern is from duplicate morph names assigned to a single bone without a way to get rid of them, which makes it impossible to access and modify them later on.



Also if it is hanging onto the morph data it is data that you might not want and it will be bloating the files. I’ll have a poke at it.

Any good news?


Sorry, keep wanting to look into this and jsut have not found the time. It is on my note pad.

Hey G,

Sorry for not answering in email, but I guess it makes more sense to reply here so others could also benefit form / expand on the information.

From the MXS help:
Skin_Morph : Modifier[left]<boolean>boneGetMorphIsDead <node>node <integer>index
[left]Returns true if the indexed morph of the specified bone node is dead, false otherwise.
[left]<void>boneSetMorphSetDead <node>node <integer>index <boolean>dead
[left]Sets the dead state of indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given boolean value.

The deleted bones are reported as “dead”. I still have no idea if you could remove this information completely, at least you could deal with it by querying the dead state of the bone.

hOpe this helps,

Great! This is extremely helpful, next time I’ll go over the MXS more carefully…
Still pretty disturbing that I can’t completely remove bones…

Now if I only knew how to get the external mesh node from a specific morph :argh:

Thanks a lot!

I don’t have an Autodesk Jacket, but you can have my Autodesk T-shirt from the Siggraph2006 user group meeting (And give me yours in return, mine is too small).
