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[Closed] Skin Envelope Manipulator

Hi to All! Yesterday i was finished my first useful script called “Skin Envelope Manipulator”. And I want to share it with you, guys! For now script has version 0.99 because of they still have some “Undo” bugs that I can`t kill for now (you must do the undo (ctrl+z) 2 times before they roll back changes)…
With this script you can fast and easy setup skin Envelopes for your character or other object that has skin modifier.
Six big buttons on the sides of the script window lets you select corresponded Cross Sections or End Points.
Three buttons on center with L-word lets you lock radius value of the left and right Cross Sections.
Spinners near this Selection Buttons will change radius directly.
Spinners near End Points Selection Button will change Inner and Outer radius of the Cross Section together.
Also, when you lock EndPoints, End Points of the Envelope will moves together!
Two small buttons in bottom left corner allows you change the active bone in skin modifier list back and forward directly.
This script is free. But, use it on your own risk…

Download –> Skin Envelope Manipulator

Feel free to comment!

3 Replies

Really cool man. I was wanting a tool like this a few days ago. I had one and half hours to skin a high poly model. Usually I vert weight everything, but I didn’t have the time.


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Hi! I glad that my script turn up useful for you…

Now I collect ideas, how to make this script more useful and powerful. If anybody has what to say about that – please post your thinks!

I found it very useful for me. Great script!

Pravda ochen’ udobniy script, i glavnoe ne zamorocheniy