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[Closed] Simple Plane Tool…
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Jun 01, 2009 6:58 pm
Well, thank you Dave for the tests, but unfortunately I still don’t have a clue. I’ll try it on another system as soon as I have a chance.
- Enrico
Jun 01, 2009 6:58 pm
Alright got the bug, but not the cause: if a single click is performed, case 2 in mouseMove is completely skipped, while on my machine is executed once (the odd thing). If case 2 is skipped, secondClick is not initialized, throwing the error. I changed again the clause for tool to stop on a single click and seems to work. Please let me know if it still has issues. Thanks.
tool bldgLot
local thePlane, firstClick, secondClick, secondPos, tempTransform
local lineNorm, pointVector, normCross, planeShift
local theWidthSegs = 1
local theLengthSegs = 1
on mousePoint click do
if click == 1 then
thePlane = Plane pos:gridPoint length:0 width:0 lengthSegs:1 widthSegs:1
firstClick = [gridPoint.x, gridPoint.y, 0]
on mouseMove click do
case click of
2: (
secondClick = [gridPoint.x, gridPoint.y, 0]
tempTransform = matrix3 1
tempTransform = rotateZmatrix gridAngle.z
tempTransform.row4 = (firstClick + secondClick) / 2
thePlane.width = length [gridDist.x, gridDist.y]
thePlane.transform = tempTransform
secondPos = thePlane.pos
3: (
-- stop the tool if a single click is performed
if ( (thePlane.width == 0) or (secondClick == undefined) ) then
delete thePlane
return #stop
-- set length as distance between line through first and second click pos
-- and current mouse pos on grid
lineNorm = normalize(firstClick - secondClick)
pointVector = gridPoint - secondClick
thePlane.length = length(cross pointVector lineNorm)
-- get vector perpendicular to line through first and second click pos
-- and set plane pos as half the current mouse pos on grid projected on it
normCross = normalize(cross lineNorm (cross pointVector lineNorm))
planeShift = (normCross * (dot pointVector normCross)) / 2
thePlane.pos = secondPos + planeShift
theWidthSegs = int(thePlane.width / thePlane.length)
if (theWidthSegs == 0) then
theWidthSegs = 1
theLengthSegs = int(thePlane.length / thePlane.width)
if (theLengthSegs == 0) then
theLengthSegs = 1
thePlane.widthSegs = theWidthSegs
thePlane.lengthSegs = theLengthSegs
4: (
startTool bldgLot
- Enrico
Jun 01, 2009 6:58 pm
I converted the script to a scripted plugin (extending the plane primitive). Put it in your plugin folder, then access it from create/geometry/fellers…
Plugin geometry BldgLot
classID:#(0x701dedea, 0x795a2845)
tool create
local startPoint, secondPoint, secondPos
on mousePoint click do
case click of
1: startPoint = nodeTM.translation = gridPoint
3: #stop
on mouseMove click do
case click of
delegate.width = abs(distance startPoint gridPoint)
nodeTM = rotateZMatrix gridAngle.z
nodeTM.translation = secondPos = (startPoint + gridPoint)/2
secondPoint = gridPoint
-- set length as distance between line through first and second click pos
-- and current mouse pos on grid
lineNorm = normalize(startPoint - secondPoint)
pointVector = gridPoint - secondPoint
delegate.length = length(cross pointVector lineNorm)
-- get vector perpendicular to line through first and second click pos
-- and set plane pos as half the current mouse pos on grid projected on it
normCross = normalize(cross lineNorm (cross pointVector lineNorm))
planeShift = (normCross * (dot pointVector normCross)) / 2
nodeTM.translation = secondPos + planeShift
-- set subdivisions to be regular
if mod(delegate.width/delegate.length) 1 > .5 then (
theWidthSegs = int(delegate.width / delegate.length)+1
) else (
theWidthSegs = int(delegate.width / delegate.length)
if (theWidthSegs == 0) then theWidthSegs = 1
if mod(delegate.length/delegate.width) 1 > .5 then (
theLengthSegs = int(delegate.length / delegate.width)+1
) else (
theLengthSegs = int(delegate.length / delegate.width)
--theLengthSegs = 10
if (theLengthSegs == 0) then theLengthSegs = 1
delegate.widthSegs = theWidthSegs
delegate.lengthSegs = theLengthSegs
)--end tool
)--end plugin
I am still new to maxscript, so let me know if you have any problems with it…
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