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[Closed] Sharp Svn fetching logs

Hey Guys, This was a old problem and wanted it to be done again. I am passing all arguments correctly and tried different methods. Either its returning 0 or its crashing… here I have given logArgs, LogEventArgs, tried to take the result in to collections in two diff ways… but nothing worked out… can any body please help me.

sharpSvnPath =  localPath, -- Change it to where ever the sharpSvn dll is
	dll = dotNet.loadAssembly(sharpSvnPath+"SharpSvn.dll"),
	mainClass = "SharpSvn",
	client = dotnetObject (dotnetclass (mainClass + ".svnClient")),

	fn fetchLogs = 
		local logArgs =  dotnetObject(dotNetClass(mainClass+".SvnLogArgs"))
		local logEvntArgs = ( dotNet.getType (mainClass+".SvnLogEventArgs") ).AssemblyQualifiedName
		local logItems = dotnetObject ("System.Collections.ObjectModel.collection`1[["+logEvntArgs+"]]")	
-- 		local logItems = dotnetObject ("System.Collections.arrayList")
		local uri =  (dotnetclass (mainClass + ".SvnTarget")).Fromstring(repoPath)	
		client.Getlog uri logArgs logItems