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[Closed] Setting vertex colours
Nov 12, 2008 9:58 pm
So what is the secret to this? I’m looking to set the vertex colours in an object so when you turn on display vert colors in the object properties you can see them. This would be the same as using the vertex colour modifier.
3 Replies
Nov 12, 2008 9:58 pm
This’ll set them on a selection of meshs… check out the help file under “Understanding Texture Coordinates” and related links from there to get an overview of max’s craziness… it’s basically a dedicated UVW mapping channel…
for SelObj in Selection do
defaultVCFaces SelObj
-- resets VC verts to same vert count and indexes as the verts on the mesh
for i=1 to SelObj.verts.count do
-- colors them red
setVertColor SelObj i ( red )
-- updates in the viewport.
update SelObj
Nov 12, 2008 9:58 pm
keep in mind that with polies you’ll want to play with polyOp – and note that there’s no .getVertColor and you’ll have to work through the generic .getMapVert / .setMapVert instead