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[Closed] Setting focus on a UI element on rollout open

Hi Guys,

I have a floating rollout with an edittext and a button. i want to do two things with this:

  1. the edittext should be focused when the rollout pops up, so the user can type right away before clicking inside the text field first
  2. if it’s possible the user should just have to press enter for the ok button to be pressed (possible?)
3 Replies

Hi Aeron,

Yes, and yes!

fn entmsg= messagebox "Enter has been pressed!" title:"Testbox"
rollout testbox "test"
button ent "Enter" width:275
edittext txt "Textbox"
on txt entered c do entmsg()
on ent pressed do entmsg()
on testbox open do
setfocus testbox.txt
createdialog testbox 300 50
newroll=newrolloutfloater "Test box." 300 50
addrollout test newroll

Although for some reason the ‘setfocus’ didn’t seem to work using a rollout floater (it should!)



Neat, thats something thats been bugging me for a while that was actually one of the first scripts i ever wanted to do… to mimic the ‘/’ hotkey from combustion where you can type in a frame to jump to…

heres the script: adjust to fit your needs

 -- SCRIPT: Dave Buchhofer (dbuchhofer at gmail dot com)
 -- Simple go to time script, mimic'ing the '/' hotkey in Combustion..
 -- allowing you to set a hotkey to toggle the dialog on/off, type in a number
 -- and go to that frame.. 
 macroScript GoToTime category:"AEITools" 
 rollout setTime "setTime!@#"
 	spinner spn_time "Time" range:[ animationRange.start , animationRange.end , sliderTime] align:#left type:#integer fieldwidth:50
 	on spn_time entered do
 		sliderTime = spn_time.value
 		destroyDialog setTime	
 	-- Position Saves and Reloads..
 		on setTime moved loc do 
 			vsaifloaterpos = [ loc.x , loc.y ]
 			setIniSetting "$max\vsaiFloaters.ini" "vsaiFloater" "setTimeX" (vsaifloaterpos.x as string)
 			setIniSetting "$max\vsaiFloaters.ini" "vsaiFloater" "setTimeY" (vsaifloaterpos.y as string)
 		on setTime open do 
 			--set focus of keyboard to the spinner editing..
 			setfocus setTime.spn_time
 			if (((getinisetting "$max\vsaiFloaters.ini" "vsaiFloater" "setTimeX") as float) != "") then
 			setdialogpos setTime [ 	((getinisetting "$max\vsaiFloaters.ini" "vsaiFloater" "setTimeX") as float), \
 		    		    		    	((getinisetting "$max\vsaiFloaters.ini" "vsaiFloater" "setTimeY") as float)]
 )--end rollout definition
 	createdialog setTime width:100    pos:[	((getinisetting "$max\vsaiFloaters.ini" "vsaiFloater" "setTimeX") as float), \
 		    		    		    		((getinisetting "$max\vsaiFloaters.ini" "vsaiFloater" "setTimeY") as float)]	 \
 		    		    		    		style:#(#style_border, #style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)
 )-- end macroscript

Hey thanks j_man, that’s great…very intuitive now

Vsai: i’m gonna give this a try right away, sounds useful!