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[Closed] Setting different background images in two Viewports?

I found a way to set and display a viewport background with
[left]backgroundImageFileName and[/left]
[left]setAsBackground <bitmap> and[/left]
[left]setBkgImageAspect #bitmap[/left]
[left] [/left]
[left]but the manual isn’t kidding saying these are system Globals.[/left]
[left]When I use these methods they affect all Viewports, so it’s impossible to set two different images as backgrounds for two separate viewports :([/left]
[left] [/left]
[left]Does anyone have an idea how to do this through MaxScript?[/left]
[left]I’m actually surprised it works like this at all since if you do this manually in Max you always set BG for the current Viewport not all at once :([/left]

3 Replies

You could use Martin Breidt’s Image Plane script, though this does require a camera input.


Thanks, will look into that, but will still try to find a solution without using someone elses script

By the way is there any advantage in using ImagePlane over just plain old background image in the viewport? Never could really wrap my head around it

With ImagePlane you can control the imagery using standard bitmap controls. Using a 2nd camera you can zoom in and pan and scan on the background image. Various other reasons to use it.

If you want to do bitmap replacement on your own you will probably need to look at UIAccessor or .Net Windows controls to automate the opening and button pushing in the dialog window.
