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[Closed] Setting curve editor tangents
Oct 31, 2008 3:48 am
I’ve written a little script to bring all motion to a slow stop at a selected set of keys. Testing it in 2k9 works fine. but then scrubbing the timeslider deletes all the keys… we have been having other issues with our 2k9 deployment but I’m still wondering if anyone sees an immediate issue with this:
(i commented out the tangent locks after i realized they are on by default)
theKeys = #()
join theKeys (getClassInstances bezier_float)
for i in theKeys do
for t = 1 to i.keys.count do
if (isKeySelected i t) == true then
( i.keys[t].inTangentType = #custom
i.keys[t].outTangentType = #custom
/* i.keys[t].x_locked = true
i.keys[t].y_locked = true
i.keys[t].z_locked = true
i.keys[t].inTangent = 0
i.keys[t].outTangent = 0
i.keys[t].inTangentLength = 0.3333
i.keys[t].outTangentLength = 0.3333