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[Closed] Setting and Storing Game Data in Max

I’d like to discuss solutions for attaching additional information to objects, materials etc within 3ds MAX. I work at a game company and we often need to tag objects, materials and textures with specific info. For example we might tag an object to indicate it requires a specific treatment in our pipeline.

So far I have used custom attributes for this. I’ve encouter several problems with this solution. I have yet to figure out how this happens but often a materials attributes will appear on an object or mulitple copies of an attribute get assigned to a single object. Also whenever new attributes are added, scripts must be run to update the old object in the scene which can be a pain.

I’ve considered using an external text file to store this information but forsee problems ensuring the text file is always current with the scene. Objects have a field in their properties window for user defined data. This seems like a good place to store the data (using text), however I dont think there is a similiar thing for materials and textures.

Any other ideas?

2 Replies

Hi Bozar, take a look at “setAppData” and “GetAppData” in maxScript help.

With SetAppdata you can save information on any object in the scene. the information is saved in the scene too, no need to create external txt´s.

Hi! is there something similar to setAppData in Max SDK? I’m taking a look at Animatable class and AddAppDataChunk but I don’t know exactly how to do it… any ideas?

Thanks a lot!