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[Closed] Set MAXScript Listener window position

Hi all,
Is the MAXScript Listener window can be set to a position via maxscript?Something Like:
set listerner_window.pos=[0,0] ?Thanks for any help.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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Tested on Max 2014

    for child in (windows.getChildrenHWND 0 parent:#max) where (child[5] == "MAXScript Listener")  do                
        windPosAndSize = windows.getWindowPos child[1]
        windows.setWindowPos child[1] 0 0 windPosAndSize.w windPosAndSize.h true

Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Wow,works like a charm,thanks!Is there a lower version solution?3ds max2009~2013 does not support “windows.getWindowPos” and “windows.setWindowPos”:sad:

>> MAXScript FileIn Exception: -- Unknown property: "getWindowPos" in #Struct:windows(
  getHWNDData:<fn>; Public,
  getChildrenHWND:<fn>; Public,
  getDesktopHWND:<fn>; Public,
  sendMessage:<fn>; Public,
  getMAXHWND:<fn>; Public,
  processPostedMessages:<fn>; Public,
  addChild:<fn>; Public,
  getChildHWND:<fn>; Public,
  postMessage:<fn>; Public) <<

getWindowRectand setWindowPos

    function GetWinClass = 
        source = ""
        source += "using System;
        source += "using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
        source += "public class Window
        source += "{
        source += "    [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]
        source += "    public static extern bool SetWindowPos(int hWnd, int hWndArg, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int hWndFlags);
        source += "    [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]
        source += "    static extern bool GetWindowRect(int hWnd, out POS rect);
        source += "    public struct POS
        source += "    {
        source += "        public int Left;
        source += "        public int Top;
        source += "        public int Right;
        source += "        public int Bottom;
        source += "    }
        source += "    public int[] GetWindowPosAndSize(int hWnd)
        source += "    {
        source += "        POS rect;
        source += "        if ( GetWindowRect(hWnd, out rect) )
        source += "        {
        source += "            return new int[] { rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right - rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Top };
        source += "        }
        source += "        return null;
        source += "    }
        source += "}
        csharpProvider = dotnetobject "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider"
        compilerParams = dotnetobject "System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters"
        compilerParams.GenerateInMemory = on
        compilerResults = csharpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource compilerParams #(source)
        compilerResults.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance "Window"
    if miauuWindClass_efioj981 == undefined do global miauuWindClass_efioj981 = GetWinClass()
    maxVer = (maxVersion())[1]
    newPosX = 100
    newPosY = 200
    for child in (windows.getChildrenHWND 0 parent:#max) where (child[5] == "MAXScript Listener")  do
        if maxVer < 16000 then
            dataArr = ::miauuWindClass_efioj981.GetWindowPosAndSize child[1]
            ::miauuWindClass_efioj981.SetWindowPos child[1] 0 newPosX newPosY dataArr[3] dataArr[4] 1
            --    "3dsMax 2014+"
            windPosAndSize = windows.getWindowPos child[1]
            windows.setWindowPos child[1] newPosX newPosY windPosAndSize.w windPosAndSize.h true

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Now,the “Full version” works !Thanks for great help!