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[Closed] Selecting all instances
Jan 27, 2009 5:11 pm
Hi All,
How do you go about selecting all objects that have an instance of a particular modifier on it?
For example, I select $object01 which has an “edit_mesh” on it, which is instanced and I want to automatically select all other objects that also have that instanced modifier on it.
1 Reply
Jan 27, 2009 5:11 pm
something like…
mymod = $.modifiers[1]
objs = for ref in (refs.dependents mymod) where ( isKindOf ref GeometryClass ) collect ( ref )
#($Editable_Mesh:GeoSphere01 @ [33.579334,7.011070,0.000001], $Editable_Mesh:GeoSphere02 @ [107.380074,17.343174,0.000002])
or you could manually traverse the objects collection (array), then go over each modifier on those objects, and check if that modifier matches the modifier of interest.