[Closed] Select spline point by world position
Hi gang
I’m trying to figure out a scripting method to select all the the spline points that are in world space -x, which i would then be able to delete.
If anyone could put me on the right path it would be much appreciated
What have you tried and where did your method fail?
If you would loop through all splines in a shape, loop through their knots and compare each to the position you know (with an optional threashold, if you want), you should be able to select or delete them. Or am I missing something?
On an object i would get the x position by doing something like
pos= $pos.x
and then if do something to delete if it was not in the grid area i wanted like,
if pos>x then delete$
How do it get the x position information of a spline knot?
Has to be Editable Spline (SplineShape class in MAXScript) to be able to delete directly.
You can use convertTo theShape SplineShape
fn delKnotsXGreaterThan theShape theVal =
convertTo theShape SplineShape --collapse to Editable Spline
for s = 1 to NumSplines theShape do --loop through all splines in the shape
for k = NumKnots theShape s to 1 by -1 where \ --count backwards
(getKnotPoint theShape s k).x > theVal do --if X is greater,
deleteKnot theShape s k --delete the knot
updateShape theShape --update the shape when done
delKnotsXGreaterThan $ 10.0
For example, create a Donut shape with center at the Origin. Leave it selected and run the script – the vertices to the right of the origin and X > 10 will be deleted…
Thanks that will give me something to work with.
What I am attempting to do is mirror spline guides I’m using for hair.
Usually i would copy half mirror it and and attach it to the original spline object. I just wanted to create a script that would do that for me.
But now i realise i will also have to script a way to mirror the splines without using the mirror tool, so that the world space is correct, and i can delete half when i want to mirror the spines again.