[Closed] Select all vertices in obect & weld
Hiya, I am trying to loop through all my geometry and weld the vertices. I thought it would be easy but it’s slow going so far. I have this…
Objs = for o in objects collect o
for o in Objs do
select o
subobjectLevel = 1
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40021" --select all
meshOp.weldVertSet (what goes here?)
Not sure what to put in the actual weld vertices part.
Use this function:
meshOp.weldVertsByThreshold o.mesh o.mesh.verts 0.0001
to weld all vertices in o object. 0.0001 is weld treshold…
You haven’t to collect the objects, you can just go throug objects set:
for o in objects do
for o in objects do
if( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then -- weld only in geometry objects
meshOp.weldVertsByThreshold o.mesh o.mesh.verts 0.0001
Thanks MiranDMC! yours works great and is more efficient than mine. I noticed you added isKindOf o GeometryClass which is amazing because that is what I have been looking for.
So what I want to say is
unparent everything
delete anything named “Block”
weld all vertices on all objects
add smooth modifier
delete all splines
for o in objects do
for c in o.children do c.parent = undefined
if ( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then
meshOp.weldVertsByThreshold o.mesh o.mesh.verts 0.1
modPanel.addModToSelection (smooth ()) ui:on
else --???
delete o
Not too sure what the maxscript version of “else” is also I think I may have some (‘s in the wrong spots. Any guidance here is greatly appreciated.
Thanks man
found what I was looking for…
Objs = for o in objects collect o
for o in Objs do
select o
convertToMesh o
meshop.weldVertsByThreshold o o.verts 0.1
modPanel.addModToSelection (smooth ()) ui:on
for o in objects do
if( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then -- weld only in geometry objects
if classof o.baseObject == Editable_Mesh then
meshOp.weldVertsByThreshold o.mesh o.mesh.verts 200
if classof o.BaseObject == Editable_Poly then
select o
setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify;
subObjectLevel = 1
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40021" -- Selection: Select All
o.weldThreshold = 200
o.EditablePoly.buttonOp #WeldSelected
subObjectLevel = 0
setCommandPanelTaskMode #create ;
This sort of does it…
for o in objects do
for c in o.children do c.parent = undefined
for o in objects do
if matchpattern o.name pattern:"*Block*" do
delete o
for o in objects do
if ( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then
select o
meshOp.weldVertsByThreshold o.mesh o.mesh.verts 0.1
modPanel.addModToSelection (smooth ()) ui:on
for o in objects do
if ( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then
delete o