[Closed] Select Layer with similar name and Selecting Frozen objects
Hi all ,
I’m scripting a simple interface to be help select and display objects when animating. The first set of buttons sets the layers to different properties. The second set of buttons selects the characters at the morpher level of the modifier stack. I have a couple of questions regarding both codes.
1)Setting Properties for layers with similar name:
a = layermanager.getlayerfromname "characterA mesh"
a.ishidden = off
a.isfrozen = [size=2]on
Works well but I have different layers with the name “mesh” eg “characterB mesh” “characterC mesh” etc. Is there a way to Select layer of similar name? I’ve tried “*mesh” but it doesn’t work for strings.
- Selecting frozen objects at modifier level:
on buttonA pressed do
select $'Character'
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.modifiers[#Morph_Character]
This code currently works if the layer of the object is not frozen. But when the layer is frozen it selects the objects but doesn’t go straight into the morpher level. Is there anyway to work around it?
I hope what I’ve describe is clear enough. Thanks in advance for any replys