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[Closed] Select Faces

How can I select faces from a chosen zone?
Let’s say I need to select all the faces from a rect like:
(x0,y0+100,z) (x0+100,y0+100,z) –Up
(x0,y0,z) (x0+100,y0,z) – Down


2 Replies

Hi igor333,

You should from your face get the 3 vertices used for it (it may have more than 3 if you use an editable poly instead of editable mesh)

Once you get the list of vertices that compose your face, you check weither all vertices are within you zone, and if so you select the face.

Is that clear ?

you can also try to use the VolumeSelect modifier. It is a very powerful tool when you have to get selections from an area. Just create an object that has the dimensions of your needed area and set this object as the MeshObject in the VolumeSelect modifier.
If your baseobject is an editPoly, you also have to apply an editMesh modifier on top, because VolumeSelect only works correctly on editMeshes.