[Closed] Seeding VRayproxies with PFlow
I found out that seeding Proxies or even HelperObjects is a fool.
I did a script on Psychosilence’s PFlow-tutorial and wondered why it isn’t possible to attach a VRayProxy to the “Instance Geometry” event within particleview.
I tried to assign the instanced geometry by script then…
$'Forminstanz 01'.Shape_Object = $VRayProxy01
but this returns a runtime error:
– Laufzeitfehler: Ungültiger Wert für Eigenschaft: $Object:VRayProxy01 @ [-2.212418,16.691223,0.000000]
Anyone an idea, how to work around this?
Just a guess:
A vrayproxy is a proxy -> the geometry in 3dsmax isn’t what you get at rendertime.
If you ‘attach’ an object to an particle you take an snapshot of the geometry and put this into the particleShape.
An proxy has per definition no geometry. Something like that.
Your could create a position_script for the proxy-positon and read a particleposition to place the proxy where a particle is … maybe.
But proxys like some other object types don’t have special renderflag set, which is the reason why they aren’t evaluated every frame. They update in the viewport but stick during renders. Vlado mentioned he will change this in future builds if possible.
I hope, Vlado will change this. Would make things easier
Thanks for your reply and background info on this.