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[Closed] Searchable Combo Box

I have created a super handy new combo box (or at least I think it’s super handy). You can search the contents of the box and use the conventional * designator for a wildcard. It should act almost exactly like bringing up the object selection dialog only you can only select one thing at a time (since it’s a combo box and not magic) :D.

Global stuff = #("There is a Variety 1234","There is a lack of Virtuosity 1234", "Captain Picard says \"Make it so\"!", "Test Data", "123456789", "Search your feelings Luke!", "Engage")
insertitem "" stuff 1
rollout searchboxroll "Search and be Amazed!" height:160 width:250
 edittext data width:210 pos:[6,33]
 combobox stuffbox "Things:" items:stuff height:8 pos:[9,15]
 fn searchbox input =
  if data.text.count > 0 then
   list = #()
   list[1] = input
   temp = input
   temp = (input+"*") as string
   for i = 1 to stuff.count do
	test = (matchpattern stuff[i] pattern:temp) as string
	if test == "true" then (append list stuff[i])
   sort list
   stuffbox.items = list
   stuffbox.selection = 1
   stuffbox.items = stuff
 on data changed true do
  searchbox data.text
createdialog searchboxroll

2 Replies

Very cool…i was thinking of writing something similar to this a while ago, but didn’t know where to begin. Good job.

if you make it a multilistbox then you can select multiple things
